Organization: Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University
Technical field(s) of expertise: Purushothaman C. Abhilash is affiliated as a senior Assistant Professor of Sustainability Science in the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD) at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India, and leading the Agroecosystem Specialist Group of IUCN-Commission on Ecosystem Management. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India. His research interest lies on various inventive methods for restoring marginal, degraded and polluted lands for regaining ecosystem services, deriving additional benefits like biomass production for supporting a biobased economy, land system management, sustainable utilization of agrobiodiversity, nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based adaptations for climate-resilient and planet healthy food production, and sustainable agriscape management for food and nutritional security. He is particularly interested in system sustainability, circular economy principles, policy realignment and the localization of UN-SDGs for the sustainable development. He is sitting on the editorial board of prestigious journals on Ecology, Environment, and Sustainable Development from Elsevier, Springer-Nature, Wiley, and MDPI, and also serving as a subject expert for UN-IPBES, IRP- UNEP, UNDP-BES Network, IPCC, UNCCD, APN, GLP, and IUCN Commissions (CEM, CEC, CEESP, and SSC) for fostering global sustainability.