
What We Do

BES-Net enhances IPBES capacity-building by supporting national-level evidence-based decision-making for biodiversity management. We interweave Indigenous and local knowledge and prioritize gender inclusion. Through the BES Solution Fund, we strengthen collaboration among science, policy and practice communities, facilitating the implementation of IPBES and national ecosystem assessments and empowering robust, inclusive and sustainable solutions for resilient ecosystems.

Thematic Areas

BES-Net aligns its work with the themes highlighted in the IPBES assessments. Over the years, BES-Net’s work has revolved around the following themes:

BES-Net’s thematic focus will expand as the IPBES assessments are released, such as the assessments on sustainable use of wild species, values, nexus, transformative change, biodiversity and business.

National Ecosystem Assessments

Image courtesy of UNDP Malawi

National policy-setting and decision-making processes often do not take the true value of biodiversity and ecosystem services fully into account. Ecosystem assessments can deliver an evidence base that meets the needs of different sectors and encourages integration. BES-Net’s support towards national ecosystem assessments is coordinated by UNEP-WCMC, with the support of UNESCO in fostering the participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and UNDP in enhancing the science-policy-practice dialogue in the process.


The Trialogue methodology is an innovative, state-of-the-art approach that fosters trust, co-creation and collaboration among actors in the science, policy and practice communities. Tapping into the five senses, learning by doing and bringing together scientific, traditional and local knowledge, Trialogues offer a platform for policymakers, practitioners and researchers to design solutions together and influence decision-making.

Regional Trialogues

Regional Trialogues aim at integrating findings and recommendations from the IPBES Thematic Assessments into policy, planning and on-the-ground programmes and projects.

National Trialogues

At the national level, Trialogues create a platform for a three-way collaboration among science, policy and practice, building capacity for decision-making and implementing biodiversity solutions.

BES Solution Fund

BES-Net channels catalytic seed funds towards implementing biodiversity solutions and recommendations emerging from IPBES assessments and national ecosystem assessments. These funds are used for national and local activities, kickstarting coordinated implementation of solutions.

Image courtesy of Loey Felipe, UN

Indigenous and Local Knowledge

At least a quarter of the world’s land area is owned, managed, used or occupied by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. BES-Net’s work prioritizes the inclusion of Indigenous and local voices into biodiversity-related decision-making, promoting their participation in Trialogues and national ecosystem assessments.