The United Nations Environment Programme is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, world leaders agreed on a comprehensive strategy for ‘sustainable development’. One of the key agreements adopted at Rio was the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Convention establishes three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) is located in Montreal and is administered by UNEP. This post is located in the Convention on Biological Diversity, Scientific, Society and Sustainable Futures Division (SSSF). Under the direct supervision of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the incumbent will perform the following duties:
A. Leads, manages and supervises the Science, Society and Sustainable Futures Division to provide neutral scientific, technical, policy and information documents and expert advice to the COP and, where applicable COP-MOPs, and the Subsidiary Bodies as well as other scientific, technical and policy preparatory processes by ensuring: a) Development of evidence-based documents from scientific, technical, policy and governance data and information to facilitate decision making by the COP, COP-MOPs, subsidiary bodies and other Convention’s processes. b) Coordination and supervision of preparation of relevant draft decisions and recommendations in an integrated manner engaging other divisions and units of the Secretariat to support Parties in a coherent manner. c) Provision and coordination of substantive contribution to the SBSTTA Chairs and Bureau and as relevant to the Bureau of COP/COP-MOPs. d) Coordination and the preparation of relevant scientific, technical and policy reports, documents and publications on the Convention. e) Design, planning, organization and servicing of expert workshops/meetings, regional workshops, side events/meetings that provide inputs to the COP, COP-MOPs and the subsidiary bodies. (f) Support and guarantee effective participation, engagement and representation of indigenous peoples and local communities and other relevant stakeholders in CBD meetings, processes and activities. (g) Representation of the Convention at relevant fora, events and meetings. B. Coordinates, manages, supervises and provides strategic leadership and expert advice in the execution of the various components of the Convention’s work on Conservation and Sustainable Use of biological diversity by ensuring: (a) Coordination of scientific, technical, policy and governance work relating to the development and implementation of post-2020 global biodiversity framework, its goals and targets with specific reference to the following issues: marine, coastal and island biodiversity, forest biodiversity, dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity, mountain biodiversity, agricultural biodiversity, inland waters biodiversity, ecosystem restoration; climate change and biological diversity and nature based solutions, ecosystem approach, protected areas and other effective area based conservation measures, impact assessment, sustainable use, human health and biodiversity, new and emerging issues; Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the Global Taxonomy Initiative; species conservation and management, including invasive alien species (IAS); traditional knowledge and the customary sustainable use of biodiversity; biodiversity economy, business and biodiversity, biodiversity for sustainable development; incentive measures; mainstreaming biodiversity; health and biodiversity, gender and biodiversity; among others, in line with Articles of the Convention and mandates from the Parties. (b) Organisation of the monitoring of implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework in line with the monitoring framework for the areas listed in (a). (c) Coordination and facilitation of SBSTTA including documentation, servicing, supporting SBSTTA Bureau, liaising with Parties and relevant organizations and stakeholders; (d) Organization, servicing and provision of inputs to regional, expert and/or technical meetings and workshops, other processes and activities. (e) Supervision and coordination contribution towards SBI meetings and its agenda items relevant to the mandate of the division in coordination with Implementation Support Division; (f) Engagement with other intergovernmental processes and fora by providing scientific, technical and policy input to advance the policy discourse on biodiversity; (g) Liaison with relevant organizations, stakeholders, expert groups in order to enhance scientific and technical partnerships and inter-agency coordination within the areas listed in (a). (h) Provision of scientific, technical, policy and governance inputs in support of Secretariat-wide strategies and activities to ensure effective synergies, coordination and collaboration; (i) Provision of scientific, technical and policy support to Parties through capacity-building activities, including for indigenous peoples and local communities, facilitating scientific and technical partnerships, and information-sharing mechanisms within the areas listed in (a); (j) Collaboration with partners on initiatives and following developments in other international organizations related to traditional knowledge and the customary sustainable use of biodiversity. C. Provides leadership, coordinates, supervises and manages the staff of the Science, Society and Sustainable Futures Division and contributes to the overall management of the Secretariat: (a) Provides leadership, manage staff performance and facilitate the deployment of human, technical and financial resources necessary to implement the programme of work, building close working relationships with Parties and liaising with relevant agencies and stakeholders on cooperative/collaborative arrangements. (b) Oversees the recruitment of the staff of the Division as well as short-term staff and consultants. (c) Manages, guides, mentors and trains staff of the division. (d) Fosters teamwork and communication among staff within the division and across divisions. (e) Promotes interface with donors in facilitating in-flow of donor funds for activities of the division. (f) Supports and participates in communication activities to raise awareness on biodiversity and the Convention. (g) Performs any other duties as assigned by the Executive Secretary.