

BES-Net brings together a network of experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services and offers a forum to network and learn about the latest research being undertaken in the space.

Our Experts

Currently, BES-Net has a pool of over 130 experts from around the world in the fields of biodiversity conservation, pollinator conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, biodiversity finance, Indigenous and local knowledge and more.

Mr. Philippe Charrier
Profession: Commission Member (UICN), Member of the ONet, Chemical and Environmental Analyst
Organization: IUCN CEC, BESNet committees, HMM ltd
Languages: English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Conservation; Ecological restoration and engineering; Ornithology; Ethology; Ecosystem services; NGOs; Land Degradation and Restoration, Climate Change; Organization Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Environmental Law and Policies
Ms. petrina_rowcroft
Profession: Technical Director, Environmental Economics
Organization: AECOM Infrastructure and Environment UK Limited
Languages: English, French, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecosystem services assessments; natural capital and ecosystem services valuation; economic policy instruments for environmental management (including payments for ecosystem services, taxes, subsidies, etc); river basin development planning.
Dr. peter_smith
Profession: Independant Ecological/Climate Change Consultant
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Climate Change Impact Assessment; Climate Change Adaptation; Ecosystem Based Adaptation; Biodiversity Conservation; Natural Resource Management; Landscape Ecology
Professor Peter Kwapong
Profession: Professor
Organization: International stingless bee centre, Department of Conservation Biology and Entomology, School of Biological Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast
Languages: English, French, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: General entomology, Bees and stingless Bees, Pollination ecology, Biodiversity conservation and Management, ecotourism;
Dr. Per Sjögren-Gulve
Organization: Society for Conservation Biology Europe Section
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Conservation biology, Metapopulation dynamics, Conservation genetics, Population Viability Analysis, Governance, Applied Systems Analysis, Demographic and Systems Sensitivity Analyses
Professor Purushothaman Chirkakkuzhyil Abhilash
Profession: Lecturer and reseracher
Organization: Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Purushothaman C. Abhilash is affiliated as a senior Assistant Professor of Sustainability Science in the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD) at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India, and leading the Agroecosystem Specialist Group of IUCN-Commission on Ecosystem Management. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India. His research interest lies on various inventive methods for restoring marginal, degraded and polluted lands for regaining ecosystem services, deriving additional benefits like biomass production for supporting a biobased economy, land system management, sustainable utilization of agrobiodiversity, nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based adaptations for climate-resilient and planet healthy food production, and sustainable agriscape management for food and nutritional security. He is particularly interested in system sustainability, circular economy principles, policy realignment and the localization of UN-SDGs for the sustainable development. He is sitting on the editorial board of prestigious journals on Ecology, Environment, and Sustainable Development from Elsevier, Springer-Nature, Wiley, and MDPI, and also serving as a subject expert for UN-IPBES, IRP- UNEP, UNDP-BES Network, IPCC, UNCCD, APN, GLP, and IUCN Commissions (CEM, CEC, CEESP, and SSC) for fostering global sustainability.
PhD paul_venton
Profession: International Development Consultant – Disasters. Climate Change. Environment
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Disaster risk reduction
Languages: French
Technical field(s) of expertise:  Inventaire et analyse de la dynamique des espèces exotiques envahissantes  Étude des perceptions locales et engagement communautaire sur les espèces envahissantes  Évaluation prioritaire et gestion stratégique des espèces exotiques envahissantes  Développement et promotion de méthodes efficaces de lutte contre les espèces envahissantes  Éducation et sensibilisation aux meilleures pratiques de gestion des espèces exotiques envahissantes  Conception d’approches innovantes pour la gestion durable de la biodiversité et la valorisation des services écosystémiques  Gestion et valorisation des données biologiques d’herbiers  Analyse biostatistique appliquée à l’écologie  Utilisation des systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) pour l’analyse environnementale  Modélisation des dynamiques forestières et gestion durable des forêts  Application de la géostatistique pour l’analyse spatiale des écosystèmes
Mr. Oumarou Hassane Yacoudima
Profession: Expert on BES_CC & Desertification
Organization: CABES
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Climate and Land Use Changes & Sustainable Agriculture Specialisation : Science-Policy Interfaces Management on BES for Nature Based Solutions including Innovative land Use for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation solutuions
Mr. onno_heuvel
Profession: BIOFIN Manager
Organization: UNDP-GEF The Biodiversity Finance Initiative
Languages: English, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity finance, environmental finance, environmental governance, biodiversity conservation
Showing 61 - 70 of 255

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