

BES-Net brings together a network of experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services and offers a forum to network and learn about the latest research being undertaken in the space.

Our Experts

Currently, BES-Net has a pool of over 130 experts from around the world in the fields of biodiversity conservation, pollinator conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, biodiversity finance, Indigenous and local knowledge and more.

Dr. Tianyin Sun
Profession: Deputy Director
Organization: Green Finance Research Center of Tsinghua University
Languages: Chinese, English, German
Technical field(s) of expertise: Climate transition and physical risks analysis; Valuation of Ecosystem Services/ Natural Capital; Biodiveristy Related Risk and Opportunity Analysis; Carbon Footprint Accounting; Biodiversity Footprint Accounting;
Dr. steven_smith
Profession: Technical Director
Organization: AECOM
Languages: Array
Technical field(s) of expertise: Payments for ecosystem services (PES); Natural capital approaches; Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA); Spatial and land use planning
Mr. Stephen Mwangi
Profession: Chief Economist and Head, Climate Change
Organization: State Department for Culture, The Arts and Heritage
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity Finance, Climate Finance and Climate Change Mainstreaming
Ms. Sohinee Mazumdar
Profession: Senior Advisor
Organization: UNDP
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Integrated Natural Resources Management/ Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Risk Analysis / Biodiversity Conservation/ Ecosystem Services/ Infrastructure / Extractives / Agriculture / International Environmental and Social Safeguards/ Environmental & Social Impact Assessment / Nature-Based Solutions / Ecosystem-Based Adaptation / Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) / National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) / Climate Finance /International Human Rights / Displacement & Resettlement /Environmental & Social Management Plan Design & Implementation / Feasibility Studies/ Indigenous People’s Engagement (FPIC) / REDD+ / Policy, Law and Regulations Analysis / Human Rights to Water and Land / Pollution Prevention & Resource Efficiency / Protected Area Management / Stakeholder Consultation / Gender Mainstreaming / Sustainable Supply Chains / Private Sector Engagement / Transboundary Projects / Social Conflict Risk Analysis / Grievance Mechanisms / Environmental Peacebuilding / Cultural Heritage / Labor and Working Conditions / Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Monitoring & Evaluation / Project and Programme Design / Children’s Rights /Training & Capacity Building / GEF / Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Mr. Shubham Kumar
Languages: English, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecosystem services, inland freshwater wetland, semi-arid region
Professor Sixto Inchaustegui
Profession: Board
Organization: Grupo Jaragua
Languages: Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity, biodiversity consrevation in the Dominican REpublic and Caribbean. Protected areas, REd listed species. Herpetology.
Professor simon_potts
Profession: Professor of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Organization: University of Reading
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Co-chair of the IPBES assessment of Pollination, Pollinators and Food Production; Biodiversity; Ecosystem services; Pollination; Sustainable Agriculture; Science-policy interface
Dr. Simeneh Namaga
Profession: Consultant Biodiversity Conservation, Advisor Proteced Areas Management and Finance
Organization: GFA Consulting Group
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecosystem Ecology, Biodiversity Monitoring, Nature Conservation, Landscape Ecology, Protected Area Planning, Ecosystem Service Assessment, Quantification, Mapping and Valuation, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Protected Areas Valorization and Sustainable Tourism, Financial Need Assessment, Digitalizing Protected Areas Investment Opportunities, Feasibility Study.
Dr. Ram Chander Sihag
Profession: Professor
Organization: CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecology, bee diversity conservation
Sibylle Stöckli
Languages: English
Showing 31 - 40 of 254

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