

BES-Net brings together a network of experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services and offers a forum to network and learn about the latest research being undertaken in the space.

Our Experts

Currently, BES-Net has a pool of over 130 experts from around the world in the fields of biodiversity conservation, pollinator conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, biodiversity finance, Indigenous and local knowledge and more.

Mr. andrew_rylance
Profession: Protected Area Finance Technical Advisor
Organization: GOS-UNDP-GEF Programme Coordination Unit
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Protected areas; Conservation finance; Business and financial planning for conservation; Protected area system management; Payments for ecosystem services; Sustainable tourism; Value chain development
Dr. Anahi Espindola
Profession: Assistant Professor
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: Plant-Pollinator interactions, Effect of abiotic and Biotic environment on interactions, Phylo-geography, landscape genetics, Phylogenetics; Involved as an expert in IPBES assessment on Pollinators, Pollination and food Production.
Mr. Boglárka Amrein Tamásné Miskolczi
Profession: Bird-Human cooperations researcher, specialist in nature-based production systems
Organization: Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station
Languages: English, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Bird-Human cooperation systems, nature-based production systems, biodiversity, ecosystem restoration, agroecology, nature conservation, sustainable development
Mrs. amanda_bourne
Profession: Climate Adaptation Manager
Organization: Conservation International
Languages: English, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecosystem-based Adaptation; community-based adaptation; adaptation in dryland livestock production system;, economic analyses of EbA; climate change vulnerability assessment; arid zone ecology and ecological restoration and rehabilitation; policy mainstreaming/alignment.
Mr. Aman Gupta
Profession: Scientific Professional
Organization: Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Shimla, India-171001
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: • Identification of rarity of the species • Identification of threatened species • Prioritization of communities, habitats and species for conservation • Conservation, cultivation and promotion of Medicinal Plants • Constitution of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC’s) • Preparation of People Biodiversity Register (PBR) • Local Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation and Management • Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) on Biological materials • Involved in the Identification and Declaration of potential sites of Biodiversity Heritage Sites
Professor Aglaia Liopa-Tsakalidi
Profession: Assοciate Professor
Organization: Department of Agriculture, University of Patras
Languages: English, German
Mr. Alejandro González Valencia
Profession: Ingeniero Ambiental
Organization: Región Sostenible
Languages: Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: Políticas de Servicios Ecosistémicos
Dr. Tiroyaone Albertinah Matsika
Profession: Research Scholar
Organization: Botswana University of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity conservation Environmental Impact Assessment & decision making Ecology and conservation Flora assessment & conservation Human wildlife conflict Ecosystem assessment Ecosystem services
Mr. Abraham Akyala
Profession: Policy and Research Lead
Organization: GMGC
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Gender and climate integration and mainstreaming
Profession: Agriculture
Organization: Independent Expert
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Agro Forestry Specialist
Showing 231 - 240 of 252

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