Professor Atef Ahmed
Profession: Professor and Head of Wildlife Conservation Department
Organization: Suez Canal University
Technical field(s) of expertise: - International. Regional and National Environmental agreements and Conventions (CBD, Nagoya Protocol, CBD, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, CITES Convention, etc.)
- Environmental Management Consultant
- WAP (World Animal Protection) , representative Middle East and North Africa
- Wildlife Conservation & Welfare Consultant
- Biodiversity conservation and Natural Resources Management and Wildlife Diseases projects in developing countries.
- Head of Wildlife Conservation Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University
- Experience in teaching courses related to environmental management, environmental planning, vector control, pesticides, Disaster risk management, and environmental impact assessment.
- Director of Regional Protected Areas Training and Research Center, Suez Canal University, Egypt
- Environmental Health Management Consultant WWF.
- Climate Change Consultant- Ministry of Environment; UNESCO- Egypt
- Wildlife Disease Association (WDA ) North African Wildlife, Monitoring and Survey, USA.
- Pollution and Climate Change and its Environmental impacts consultant at Ministry of Environment, Egypt
- UNESCO/Egypt Office : Scientific Consultant (Protected Areas Management , Sustainable Development, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, Biodiversity, Wildlife Illegal Trade, Natural Resources Management, and Climate Change mitigation and Adaptation ).
- IUCN Biodiversity and Protected Areas Consultant
- IUCN/CITES EGYPT-Member in the Scientific Animal Committee of CITES and Wildlife Trafficking-Egypt
- OIE Wildlife Section: Wildlife Disease Scientific Focal Point
- CBSG, USA: Egypt and Middle East Representative.
- Wildlife Scientific Advisor of Suez Canal University
- Head of Scientific Committee of Wildlife Conservation, (AFWP), Arab League
- Member in UNESCO Arab MAB Team (Protected Areas and Biosphere Reserves)
- Egyptian Consultant delegator in UNESCO MAB, Paris
- Training the trainees in Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (Climate change Adaptation & Mitigation Strategy), Thailand
- Course coordinator of Biodiversity & Climate Change at the Arab-European for climate Change & Sustainable policy at Suez Canal University- CLIMASP
- Strategic Protected Areas Planning and Programme/Project Design Individual Consultant
- Climate Change and Sustainable Policy Consultant
- Impacts of Climate Changer on Protected Areas and local Communities (CBD Expert)
- Member of the Standing Scientific Committee of the amount of professors and assistant professors - Supreme Council of the Universities- Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt.
- UNESCO, MAB, Scientific Advisor and Egyptian Delegator, Cairo, Egypt in ICC, MAB , Paris
- UNESCO/Egypt Office Consultant (Biodiversity, Protected areas and Climate Change mitigation and Adaptation).
- Wildlife & Biodiversity conservation Consultant, Suez Canal University, Egypt.
- Project Coordinator and PI of "Early Warning System Application in Suez Canal Governorates to Assess and Mitigate the Environmental Hazards Induced by Climate Change" , UNESCO, 2016
- Member in Environmental Science and Biological Sciences National Committee, Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Egypt
- Preparation of Egypt Third National Communication Under the UNFCCC on Climate change (Transfer of technology, Research, Systematic Observation and Networking, 2014.
- Preparation of NBSAP (National Biodiversity Strategy Action plan in Arab Republic of Egypt and State of Qatar (Assessment and country study, Developing strategy, Developing pal of Action, Stallholders, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting).
- Project Director : Early warning System Application in Suez Canal Governorates to assess and Mitigate the Environmental hazards induced by Climate change.
- Member in CLIMASP (Development of an Interdisciplinary Programme in Climate Change and Sustainability Policy) (Suez Canal University Partner).
- Coordinator a new designated The Bitter Lakes Biosphere reserve in Ismailia, Egypt
- Scientific Advisor in UNESCO, Egypt in Wildlife Conservation, Protected areas, Biosphere Reserves and Jeoparks.
- Member in The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology COMEST (UNESCO) , Represent Egypt.
- Member in the World Commission of MAB (Man and Biosphere Reserves), UNESCO, Paris.
- International Scientific Advisor for Biosphere Reserves and Protected areas Planning, management and Assessment.
- National and Regional Biodiversity Action Plan consultant
- Wildlife & Biodiversity and protected areas management Consultant at Ministry of Environment in Egypt,
- Head of Scientific Animal Committee of CITES, Ministry of Agriculture Egypt and TRAFFIC Committee in Egypt
- Scientific Consultant to The Arabian Foundation (League of Arab States) for Wildlife Preservation, (AFWP), Egypt.
- National & Regional Wildlife &Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Research Consultant (Africa & Arab States).
- More than 20 research articles published in World Journals covered wildlife conservation status, species diseases, ecology, environmental enrichment, biodiversity and threatened and endangered species management plan.
- Attended more than 50 worldwide Scientific conferences. Long lasting Conservation consultant to surveys of regional and national biodiversity and establishment of protected areas in the Egypt and Arab countries, biodiversity conservation has been a lifelong interest.
- My experience has ranged from research and theory through international legislation and protected area design to practical aspects of nature conservation at the community level. A life member of the Biodiversity International (CI) since 1987, I have collaborated with many non-governmental conservation organizations and IUCN, FAO, UNESCO, CITES and TRAFFIC in Biodiversity conservation, assisted governments, and organized regional and international conservation and protected area programmes.