

BES-Net brings together a network of experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services and offers a forum to network and learn about the latest research being undertaken in the space.

Our Experts

Currently, BES-Net has a pool of over 130 experts from around the world in the fields of biodiversity conservation, pollinator conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, biodiversity finance, Indigenous and local knowledge and more.

Dr. david_pattemore
Profession: Team Leader
Organization: Plant & Food Research Ltd
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Pollination, Ecology, Entomology, Apiculture
PhD david_meyers
Profession: Senior Technical Advisor
Organization: UNDP's Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN)
Languages: English, French
Technical field(s) of expertise: Conservation Finance; Biodiversity Finance; Environmental Finance; Impact Investing; Social Entrepreneurship; Ecology and Evolution; Protected Areas; Business Management
Dr. david_douterlungne
Profession: Researcher, professor
Organization: IPICyT (Potosi Institution for Science and Technology) & CONACyT (Mexico’s National Council on Science and Technology)
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Forest Restoration Ecology (Tropical rainforests & oak forests), Local and Indigenous Ecological knowledge, Forest livelihoods, R programing. Involved in the IPBES assessment on Land Degradation
Daulos Mauambeta
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Forestry, Agroforestry, Apiculture and Horticulture - Pollination etc Land degradation and Restoration Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biodiversity Conservation Finance
Dr. danielson_kisanga
Profession: Lecturer and/or Expert
Organization: University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Geographer with expertise in Soil science, Climatology, GIS and Remote sensing applications to land degradation. Involved in the IPBES assessment on Land Degradation and Restoration
Mr. daniel_alvarezlatorre
Profession: Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity Coordinator
Organization: Ministry of the Environment
Languages: Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: Policy maker, Ecological territorial planning, Ecosystem-based adaptation
Dr. Cosmas Lambini
Profession: Research Consultant
Organization: GFAS Berlin
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Protected and Conserved Area Governance, Ecosystem services, Sustainability
Mr. Come H
Profession: Agroforestry specialist
Organization: University of Florida
Languages: English
Professor coen_ritsema
Profession: Chair Soil Physics and Land Management Group
Organization: Wageningen University
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Land degradation, Restoration and Conservation
Dr. christian_valentin
Profession: Soil Scientist
Organization: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Languages: English, French
Technical field(s) of expertise: Soil erosion; Agronomy; Hydrology; Ecology; Desertification
Showing 191 - 200 of 252

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