

BES-Net brings together a network of experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services and offers a forum to network and learn about the latest research being undertaken in the space.

Our Experts

Currently, BES-Net has a pool of over 130 experts from around the world in the fields of biodiversity conservation, pollinator conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, biodiversity finance, Indigenous and local knowledge and more.

Dr. Kamaljit K Sangha
Profession: Assoc Professor
Organization: Charles Darwin University
Languages: English, Other
Technical field(s) of expertise: Ecological economics; Valuation of ecosystem services; Indigenous values of natural systems; Indigenous knowledges and natural resource management
Profession: President
Organization: Global Genome Biodiversity Network,. GGBN
Languages: Chinese, English, French, Russian
Technical field(s) of expertise: With more than 26 years of experience, Kakha Nadiradze has positioned himself in various management positions with the vision of promoting innovative and scientific development in Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation, he provides professional advisory/consulting/extension services to Government, Policy Makers, producers and agricultural companies around the world in the implementation of sustainable agricultural systems, comprehensive optimization of Agribusiness and evaluation of market opportunities. He is focused on promoting sustainable agriculture through soil conservation techniques, the creation and application of bioproducts, efficient Farm management, implementing regenerative agriculture methods, in-vitro and in-vivo plant tissue propagation, Gene Banking and Community Investment Programs, Strategies and Action plans design, scoping and Management and in general nature-based solutions, among others. He has published extensively in these areas, linking theory and practice to inform policymaking on food, agriculture, the environment, circularity and human well-being. Dr. Kakha Nadiradze is an editor and Member of the International Board of Journal - Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities, ERENET. He is an author of a large number of analytical publications and has been a speaker of Local and International conferences and workshops. Involved in the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Project (GODAN) in advocating for open data to bring about innovation to achieve food security (SDG2). Kakha Nadiradze is a Task Force Member of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network, GGBN, Smithsonian Institute (US). Dr. Nadiradze has provided effective expertise in different local and international projects in Biodiversity Conservation, Ecological Restoration, management and monitoring by providing science-based planning strategies to protect and enhance native species, habitats, and ecosystems at global, regional, and local scales. He has received different Scholarships from ESBB. He is a Member of the IUCN CEM (Commission on Ecosystem Management), Planta Europe, GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition), BES-Net, (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network), MBON (Marine Biodiversity Observation Network), The Research Data Alliance (RDA), The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation — GFAR, GFRAS and Founder of EUFRAS. Member of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) The Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI), the European Soil Data Centre and GEO BON – The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity). Member of the Think Tank organization Groupe de Bruges (Independent network and think tank on European agricultural and rural development policies, GdB). Kakha is well placed to develop conservation science that is aimed at international conservation policy targets, such as those agreed under the Convention on Biological Diversity, CITES and the UNFCCC, and the
Dr. julian_rode
Profession: Researcher
Organization: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: Environmental policy; Conservation finance; Conservation economics; Ecosystem services; Business and biodiversity; Environmental decision making; Environmental and ecological economics
Mr. Juan Andrade Rivera
Profession: Werkstudent ESG for supply chain due diligence
Organization: MEO Carbon Solutions
Languages: English, Spanish
Technical field(s) of expertise: My research has focused on developing strategies to manage urban green infrastructure, considering the provision and demand of ecosystem services.
Mr. Juraj Svajda
Profession: University assistant
Organization: Matej Bel University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Ecology & Biology
Languages: English, Other
Mr. Josue ARUNA
Profession: Executive Director
Organization: Congo Basin Conservation Society CBCS
Languages: French
Technical field(s) of expertise: I have a master degree in environmental science in water and forest management with more experience on economic valuation of ecosystem services and practitioner of Eba approach
Mr. josef_settele
Profession: Senior Scientist
Organization: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity, Global change, Agro-Ecology, Science-Policy. Involved as an expert in IPBES assessment on pollination, pollinators and food production.
Professor John Garvey
Profession: Associate Professor
Organization: University of Limerick
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Financial Markets and Market Design. I am coordinator of a EU Horizon project that is focused on unlocking private finance for biodiversity restoration and protection. The project is examining 1. new business models that protect and restore ecosystem services, 2. governance models for corporate finance and public finance (state owned entities) that protect nature and 3. market structures that create bottlenecks for the deployment of finance for biodiversity linked finance.
Dr. John Esitadimma Onyekuru
Profession: Chairman/Director
Organization: Jojas Consulting Services Limited
Languages: English
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
Dr. John Mauremootoo
Profession: Director
Organization: InSpiralPathways
Languages: English, French
Technical field(s) of expertise: Biodiversity conservation; Ecosystem restoration; Invasive species; Project management; Project planning; Monitoring and evaluation; Capacity building; Facilitation
Showing 121 - 130 of 231

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