Strategic Uptake of Evidence Towards Tangible Biodiversity Solutions

United Nations Development Programme
MAY 2024


The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) is a partnership-driven initiative aimed at fostering global capacity and commitment to biodiversity conservation. The project achieves this by translating the latest findings and tools from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into practical, on-the-ground actions. BES-Net is jointly implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The initiative is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) through the International Climate Initiative and SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre.

UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations build integrated, lasting solutions for people and the planet. Learn more at or follow at @UNDP.

AUTHORS: Alexandra Postrigan, Alice Fogliata Cresswell, Ana Costiniu, Marlyn Omondi, Yuko Kurauchi

The production of this publication was made possible through the generous financial support of the BMUV. We extend our gratitude to all the experts and partners who guided and contributed to the implementation of the BES Solution Fund and offered valuable feedback to enhance the quality of the document, among other key contributions.

REVIEWERS AND CONTRIBUTORS: Martin Zeh-Nlo (UNDP Cameroon), Carolina Sofrony-Esmeral (UNDP Colombia), Demeke Datiko (UNDP Ethiopia), Daniyar Kenzhegulov (UNDP Kazakhstan), Washington Ayiemba (UNDP Kenya), Muyiwa Odele (UNDP Nigeria), Sikeade Egbuwalo (Federal Ministry of Environment in Nigeria), Shane Ballah (UNDP Trinidad and Tobago), Lena Dempewolf (Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Planning and Development), Hoang Thu Thuy (UNDP Viet Nam), Joseph Karanja (UNESCO), Sofia Delger (UNESCO), Juanita Chaves (UNEP-WCMC)

EDITORS: Alice Fogliata Cresswell, Ana Costiniu

GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Juan Pablo Ramos Valadez

COVER PHOTO: Original Illustrations by Juan Pablo Ramos Valadez (Orbita Creatives)

The views expressed in this publication can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the UNDP, BES-Net Consortium partners and donors.

Executive Summary

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) is a collaborative initiative aimed at translating insights from global, regional and national biodiversity assessments into actionable measures for sustainable ecosystem management. Aligned with global commitments like the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and its 2050 Vision and 2030 Mission, BES-Net supports strategically selected countries in implementing the results and findings from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and national ecosystem assessments (NEAs).

This report outlines the progress of the first eight countries participating in the BES-Net initiative: Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and Viet Nam. By enhancing their science-policy-practice synergies, these countries have made significant strides in policy alignment, governance strengthening, multistakeholder collaboration, ecosystem restoration, sustainable resource management and community livelihood enhancement.

The metaphor of a transformative boat journey guided by the GBF illustrates BES-Net’s integrated support to the countries’ collective efforts towards a nature-positive future. Navigational tools, representing insights from the IPBES assessments and NEAs, ensure informed decision-making of each country’s boat.

The boat’s crew, symbolizing the science-policy-practice interface, collaborates to address challenges and promote inclusive decision-making. BES-Net leverages the power of triangular dialogues, or Trialogues, to stimulate the process of contextualizing national and global evidence by incorporating the crew’s diverse knowledge systems, including Indigenous and local knowledge.

The BES Solution Fund (or “the Fund”) – BES-Net’s catalytic seed fund – supplies energy to the boat, supporting countries to operationalize the messages of IPBES assessments and NEAs, strengthen collaboration platforms and engage with the IPBES global/regional work programme.

The wind of change, representing powerful opportunities and increasing awareness and focus on planetary crises, also helps drive the boats forward on their journey towards a “world living in harmony with nature”.

Country snapshots outline the latest status of the BES-Net participating countries’ respective boat journeys, highlighting the key achievements and emerging positive changes. These include Cameroon’s NEA validation, Colombia’s integration of assessment findings into its National Development Plan and Ethiopia’s focus on stakeholder engagement and biodiversity platform strengthening. In Kazakhstan, the BES Solution Fund addresses the Aral Sea’s environmental challenges, showcasing the role of sustainable agriculture in restoring ecosystems and uplifting local communities. Kenya emphasizes Indigenous knowledge and youth engagement in pollinator conservation, while Nigeria develops strategies for pollinator conservation and integrated pest management. Trinidad and Tobago mobilizes citizen scientists to protect pollinators, and Viet Nam addresses gaps in ecosystem services policies, focusing on marine and wetland services.

The report concludes by shedding light on the transformative potential of the BES Solution Fund in translating evidence into action, contributing to a nature-positive future and supporting the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nature Pledge, particularly by driving values and policy shifts. The ongoing commitment to inclusive dialogue, collaborative initiatives and science-policy-practice interface facilitation reinforces BES-Net’s role in promoting a more sustainable future for all.

 Two people in teal uniforms are smiling and working together in a mangrove forest, holding a large white sack.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam


BES-Net is a partnership-driven initiative that promotes the translation of the latest findings from IPBES and NEAs into tangible actions towards the sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Aligned with global commitments such as the GBF and the 2050 Vision of “Living in Harmony with Nature,” BES-Net fosters evidence-informed decision-making and multistakeholder cooperation to safeguard biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people.

A key component of BES-Net is the BES Solution Fund, a catalytic seed fund that provides support to strategically selected countries across different regions to facilitate the uptake of IPBES assessments and NEAs. By strengthening national science-policy-practice collaboration mechanisms and accelerating the implementation of assessment messages, the Fund aims to bridge the evidence-to-action gap in biodiversity initiatives. This report provides an overview of the progress made by the first eight Fund beneficiary countries: Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago and Viet Nam.

BES-Net also promotes the contextualization of global biodiversity evidence and fosters multistakeholder dialogues through the unique cooperation framework of triangular dialogues, or Trialogues, involving science, policy and practice actors. Tailored to regional and national priorities, the Trialogues facilitate the participatory assessment of challenges, cooperative search for solutions, and co-design of strategies and actions. By enhancing the science-policy-practice interface, BES-Net aims to promote inclusive, locally relevant decision-making that integrates diverse knowledge systems, including Indigenous and local knowledge.

This report highlights the commitments of the eight countries in translating the latest global and national assessment findings into national biodiversity strategies and ground-level actions. Their initiatives encompass policy alignment, strengthening of governance mechanisms, multistakeholder collaboration, ecosystem restoration, sustainable resource management and community livelihood enhancement.

Underlying these efforts is a commitment to place nature at the core of development planning, in alignment with the UNDP Nature Pledge.

The initiatives showcased in this report contribute to the urgent policy and value shifts called for by the Nature Pledge to address the planetary emergency of biodiversity and ecosystem loss. As we enter a decisive decade for nature, this report provides valuable insights into how global commitments like the GBF can be operationalized through context-specific national and local actions rooted in inclusive multistakeholder collaboration.

Navigating Towards a Nature-Positive Future

A person wearing a traditional conical hat walks along the sandy shore of a tranquil lagoon, with lush green mountains and a clear blue sky in the background.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Leveraging the Emerging Global and National Knowledge Base

Within the vast sea of biodiversity and ecosystem knowledge provided by IPBES, there exists a need for regional adaptation and contextual tailoring. BES-Net addresses this need by introducing Regional Trialogues – triangular dialogues blending science, policy and practice on biodiversity and ecosystem services. These dialogues incorporate insights from various IPBES thematic assessments, ensuring that global knowledge is contextualized and made relevant at regional and national levels.

BES-Net also responds to identified data gaps that cannot be filled fully through global and regional assessments. In close partnership with the NEA Initiative by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), BES-Net assists countries in carrying out their NEAs. With close reference to the IPBES guide on the production of assessment, this country-led, multi-year process serves as a bedrock, providing insights into each country’s unique biodiversity and ecosystem context. These assessments offer a deep understanding of local challenges, strengths and opportunities.

The Sailing Boat Metaphor poster

The catalytic BES Solution Fund helps countries interweave national evidence, priorities and perspectives with the broader global knowledge base offered by IPBES. This integration ensures that nations are equipped with a holistic view of biodiversity challenges and solutions that can be cascaded to national, subnational and local interventions. By bridging these perspectives, BES-Net fosters a comprehensive approach to addressing global and national biodiversity goals. It empowers nations to tailor their strategies to their country contexts while benefiting from the collective wisdom of the evidence sourced by the global community.

Leveraging the Emerging Global and National Knowledge Base

Within the vast sea of biodiversity and ecosystem knowledge provided by IPBES, there exists a need for regional adaptation and contextual tailoring. BES-Net addresses this need by introducing Regional Trialogues – triangular dialogues blending science, policy and practice on biodiversity and ecosystem services. These dialogues incorporate insights from various IPBES thematic assessments, ensuring that global knowledge is contextualized and made relevant at regional and national levels.

BES-Net also responds to identified data gaps that cannot be filled fully through global and regional assessments. In close partnership with the NEA Initiative by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), BES-Net assists countries in carrying out their NEAs. With close reference to the IPBES guide on the production of assessment, this country-led, multi-year process serves as a bedrock, providing insights into each country’s unique biodiversity and ecosystem context. These assessments offer a deep understanding of local challenges, strengths and opportunities.

The Sailing Boat Metaphor poster

The catalytic BES Solution Fund helps countries interweave national evidence, priorities and perspectives with the broader global knowledge base offered by IPBES. This integration ensures that nations are equipped with a holistic view of biodiversity challenges and solutions that can be cascaded to national, subnational and local interventions. By bridging these perspectives, BES-Net fosters a comprehensive approach to addressing global and national biodiversity goals. It empowers nations to tailor their strategies to their country contexts while benefiting from the collective wisdom of the evidence sourced by the global community.

As the emblem of the monumental voyage towards a future where biodiversity thrives, BES-Net developed a sailing boat metaphor to depict the transformative journey undertaken by nations. Each nation is symbolized by an individual boat embarking on this expedition towards a vision outlined by the GBF, which acts as the guiding lighthouse illuminating the path towards harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

Just as the engine of a boat drives its movement through the waves, national policies, strategies, plans and programmes power the journey towards collective sustainable development. Each policy initiative and strategic maneuver acts as a crucial component, steering the boat along the course charted by global agreements and aspirations.

In this metaphor, the boats are equipped with essential navigational tools, akin to maps and compasses, which represent profound insights and knowledge such as those sourced from NEAs, reports and IPBES assessments. These tools ensure that each country’s journey is informed, data-driven and rooted in evidence, contributing to a collective understanding of the way forward.

The boat’s crew symbolizes the robust science-policy-practice interface, steering the voyage with expertise and aided by connection tools such as the Trialogues. These connections bridge diverse perspectives and ensure well-informed decision-making throughout the journey. They can also become an opportunity to address systemic challenges that emerge like icebergs during the countries’ journey towards their destination.

Powerful opportunities, as well as increasing awareness and focus on planetary crises, represent the winds of change that fill the sails of these boats, propelling them forward on their transformative expedition. For instance, the Nature Pledge represents the commitment to support the momentum generated by the GBF to place nature at the heart of sustainable development initiatives. These driving forces foster policy, finance and value shifts and are supported by the understanding that nature underpins societies and economies, fuels the boats’ progress and pushes them towards their destination. The Nature Pledge serves as a reminder of the urgent need for decisive action to alleviate pressures on nature, without which the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals would remain elusive.

Energy, much like the impetus provided by resources such as the BES Solution Fund, acts as the initial catalyser to align the sails and support navigation towards the ultimate goal. Yet, nations retain the flexibility to harness alternative sources of energy, be it through mechanisms like donor funding, crowdfunding, or other innovative sources of finance, ensuring the momentum endures. While each boat charts its unique course, the spirit of collective vision and collaboration prevails, with nations learning from one another and drawing strength from partnerships in this shared voyage.

During this journey, dialogue functions as a radio would, enabling cross-cutting and transboundary conversation and engagement between boats and among their crews. BES-Net’s Trialogue methodology – tailored to the regional context in support of the uptake of IPBES reports – amplifies voices, tackles obstacles and helps unveil new opportunities along the way.

Trialogues: Fostering Dialogue for Inclusive Action on Nature

Following the launch of the IPBES pollination assessment, two Regional Trialogues (for Eastern Europe and the Caribbean) were held around the themes of pollinators, food production and food security, rural development, and climate resilience. After the release of the IPBES land degradation assessment, two additional Regional Trialogues (for Anglophone Africa and Central Asia) were held with an expanded focus on the interlinked issues of pollinators, pollination and broader land-based activities. The ongoing support continues, and a new series of Trialogues will focus on the most recent IPBES assessments on invasive alien species and the sustainable use of wild species.

What is a Trialogue?

A Trialogue is a multistakeholder dialogue event dedicated to enhancing the science-policy-practice interface for the sustainable conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Tailored for regional and national contexts, the Trialogue provides an inclusive space where diverse actors with unique worldviews, interests and influences come together. They engage in discussions, co-creation of knowledge and the search for solutions to pressing biodiversity and ecosystem challenges.

Inspired by Theory U principles and the Multiple Evidence Base approach, the Trialogue methodology involves preparatory work to contextualize global knowledge. This approach ensures a rich exchange of varied knowledge, worldviews, experiences and practices, deepening discourse and enabling a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

Participatory engagement is at the heart of the Trialogue, creating an inclusive environment where successes and challenges are openly shared. This approach underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing the unique nuances of the challenges faced by different nations. The Trialogue strives to ensure that global evidence and insights on nature translate into actionable solutions that are locally and regionally relevant. It also emphasizes the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to ensure that their voices, interests and needs are integral in the co-creation of solutions.

Translating Evidence into Action: The Role of the BES Solution Fund

The BES Solution Fund is one of the core building blocks that enable BES-Net’s mandate in translating the latest IPBES products into tangible actions at the national and local levels, towards delivering healthier and more resilient ecosystems. It is a catalytic seed fund that provides support to selected countries to uptake the findings and recommendations emerging from IPBES assessments and NEAs, in line with the national biodiversity priorities, strategies and plans as well as global frameworks, including the GBF. The Fund also supports countries in formalizing their triangular science-policy-practice cooperation platforms for sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation and management, incorporating scientific and local knowledge evidence (Multiple Evidence Base) in policy formulation and on-the-ground actions.

The Fund implementation began in 2020, targeting a total of 18 countries up to 2028. Countries are strategically selected based on the tangible commitment demonstrated and proactive initiative undertaken towards the uptake of IPBES assessment findings or development of NEAs. The countries that have benefitted from the Fund in the first phase are Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and Viet Nam.

Through the BES Solution Fund, the supported countries are enabled to:

Operationalize and strengthen existing national science-policy-practice BES platforms or formally establish BES platforms with balanced cross-cutting representation across the three communities

Identify and implement science-policy-practice activities towards the uptake of priority findings and recommendations of IPBES assessments and NEAs

Promote national stakeholders’ engagement with the IPBES global/regional work programme and processes and make formal contributions to the IPBES work programme implementation

A close-up of dark brown honeycomb cells filled with yellow pollen, showcasing the intricate details and texture of the hive.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Trialogues: Fostering Dialogue for Inclusive Action on Nature

Following the launch of the IPBES pollination assessment, two Regional Trialogues (for Eastern Europe and the Caribbean) were held around the themes of pollinators, food production and food security, rural development, and climate resilience. After the release of the IPBES land degradation assessment, two additional Regional Trialogues (for Anglophone Africa and Central Asia) were held with an expanded focus on the interlinked issues of pollinators, pollination and broader land-based activities.

The ongoing support continues, and a new series of Trialogues will focus on the most recent IPBES assessments on invasive alien species and the sustainable use of wild species.

What is a Trialogue?

A Trialogue is a multistakeholder dialogue event dedicated to enhancing the science-policy-practice interface for the sustainable conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Tailored for regional and national contexts, the Trialogue provides an inclusive space where diverse actors with unique worldviews, interests and influences come together. They engage in discussions, co-creation of knowledge and the search for solutions to pressing biodiversity and ecosystem challenges.

Inspired by Theory U principles and the Multiple Evidence Base approach, the Trialogue methodology involves preparatory work to contextualize global knowledge. This approach ensures a rich exchange of varied knowledge, worldviews, experiences and practices, deepening discourse and enabling a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

Participatory engagement is at the heart of the Trialogue, creating an inclusive environment where successes and challenges are openly shared. This approach underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing the unique nuances of the challenges faced by different nations. The Trialogue strives to ensure that global evidence and insights on nature translate into actionable solutions that are locally and regionally relevant. It also emphasizes the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to ensure that their voices, interests and needs are integral in the co-creation of solutions.

Translating Evidence into Action: The Role of the BES Solution Fund

The BES Solution Fund is one of the core building blocks that enable BES-Net’s mandate in translating the latest IPBES products into tangible actions at the national and local levels, towards delivering healthier and more resilient ecosystems. It is a catalytic seed fund that provides support to selected countries to uptake the findings and recommendations emerging from IPBES assessments and NEAs, in line with the national biodiversity priorities, strategies and plans as well as global frameworks, including the GBF. The Fund also supports countries in formalizing their triangular science-policy-practice cooperation platforms for sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation and management, incorporating scientific and local knowledge evidence (Multiple Evidence Base) in policy formulation and on-the-ground actions.

The Fund implementation began in 2020, targeting a total of 18 countries up to 2028. Countries are strategically selected based on the tangible commitment demonstrated and proactive initiative undertaken towards the uptake of IPBES assessment findings or development of NEAs. The countries that have benefitted from the Fund in the first phase are Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and Viet Nam.

Through the BES Solution Fund, the supported countries are enabled to:

Operationalize and strengthen existing national science-policy-practice BES platforms or formally establish BES platforms with balanced cross-cutting representation across the three communities

Identify and implement science-policy-practice activities towards the uptake of priority findings and recommendations of IPBES assessments and NEAs

Promote national stakeholders’ engagement with the IPBES global/regional work programme and processes and make formal contributions to the IPBES work programme implementation

Country Snapshots

 An aerial view of a waterlogged area with dense green trees and floating lily pads, creating a serene and lush wetland scene.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam


The Cameroon NEA report, which was validated in January 2022, represents the culmination of five years of dedicated national efforts to gather the best available knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystems through which to promote informed policy and decision-making. The assessment report was developed by the Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, and with technical backstopping by UNEP-WCMC and close guidance from the National Platform for Science-Policy Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NP-SPBES).

A beehive made from a hollowed-out log, covered with thatched straw, situated in a lush, green forest environment.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

The NP-SPBES is the national BES platform mechanism that serves to bridge the gaps among science, policy and practice communities in Cameroon and promote the building and translation of a scientific and local knowledge base on BES for policy and decision-making and on-the-ground interventions. Embedded within the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, the NP-SPBES is a key institutional framework strategically placed to guide policy action towards reconciling economic development to biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation and management for a more sustainable future.

Three people carrying large cylindrical beehives on their shoulders walk up a dry, brown field with sparse vegetation.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

The support provided by the BES Solution Fund through the UNDP Cameroon Country Office works to: strengthen the NP-SPBES capacity for engagement of diverse stakeholders from science, policy and practice communities; enhance their contribution to the IPBES rolling work programme; accelerate the uptake of the key recommendations of the NEA; and address research gaps, including studies on (a) biological resources accounting and valuation of ecosystem services in Cameroon; (b) evaluation of surface area of ecosystems, endangered species (International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List) and services within these ecosystems; and (c) the role played by women in the conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

A group of diverse professionals, dressed in formal and traditional attire, standing on the steps of a building, posing for a group photo.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

In addition, the NP-SPBES will enhance its capacity to sensitize and raise awareness among various stakeholders (including private and financial sectors) on the GBF, appropriate the validated national biodiversity indicators, and update and align national biodiversity targets to GBF.

A group of people, dressed in vibrant traditional clothing, work together to plant and tend to crops in a green field.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon


The Cameroon NEA report, which was validated in January 2022, represents the culmination of five years of dedicated national efforts to gather the best available knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystems through which to promote informed policy and decision-making. The assessment report was developed by the Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, and with technical backstopping by UNEP-WCMC and close guidance from the National Platform for Science-Policy Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NP-SPBES).

A beehive made from a hollowed-out log, covered with thatched straw, situated in a lush, green forest environment.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

The NP-SPBES is the national BES platform mechanism that serves to bridge the gaps among science, policy and practice communities in Cameroon and promote the building and translation of a scientific and local knowledge base on BES for policy and decision-making and on-the-ground interventions. Embedded within the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, the NP-SPBES is a key institutional framework strategically placed to guide policy action towards reconciling economic development to biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation and management for a more sustainable future.

Three people carrying large cylindrical beehives on their shoulders walk up a dry, brown field with sparse vegetation.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

The support provided by the BES Solution Fund through the UNDP Cameroon Country Office works to: strengthen the NP-SPBES capacity for engagement of diverse stakeholders from science, policy and practice communities; enhance their contribution to the IPBES rolling work programme; accelerate the uptake of the key recommendations of the NEA; and address research gaps, including studies on (a) biological resources accounting and valuation of ecosystem services in Cameroon; (b) evaluation of surface area of ecosystems, endangered species (International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List) and services within these ecosystems; and (c) the role played by women in the conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

A group of diverse professionals, dressed in formal and traditional attire, standing on the steps of a building, posing for a group photo.

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

Photo by UNDP Cameroon

In addition, the NP-SPBES will enhance its capacity to sensitize and raise awareness among various stakeholders (including private and financial sectors) on the GBF, appropriate the validated national biodiversity indicators, and update and align national biodiversity targets to GBF.

A woman wearing traditional colorful clothing and a headband takes notes while participating in a workshop, with other participants seated at tables in the background.

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Photo by UNDP Colombia

A woman with a blue knit hat holds a handful of seeds while standing next to a large basket filled with more seeds, surrounded by sacks and other containers.

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Photo by UNDP Colombia


Translating the key messages of Colombia’s NEA stands at the core of integrated conservation, bridging the realms of policy, community and ecosystem preservation. At the heart of this transformative journey, powered by the BES Solution Fund, is the uptake of the assessment findings into Colombia’s strategic planning. The crowning achievement in this regard is the integration of 15 pivotal strategic messages from the NEA into the National Development Plan 2022–2026. This policy alignment underscores the nation’s commitment to harmonizing development with ecological sustainability.

A woman wearing glasses and a yellow headband engages in a discussion, gesturing while sitting at a table with sticky notes and charts during a workshop session.

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Photo by UNDP Colombia

The focus of this effort extends beyond top-tier policy formulation. Platforms like the Regional Trialogues in Nariño and Amazonía and advocacy at the Ecological Restoration Congress have been instrumental in translating national findings into actionable strategies. These engagements have informed regional actions and guided potential governors in their biodiversity commitments.

On the grassroots front, the project reaches its zenith with the reinforcing engagement of Indigenous Peoples. The launch of “Comunidades Indígenas por los Bosques” in partnership with the Climate Promise Initiative is a testament to this dedication. This initiative has culminated in the strategic engagement and support of 11 prominent Indigenous organizations, with three undertaking activities funded by BES-Net that are specifically focused on biodiversity.

A smiling woman in a woolen poncho and a green knit hat stands amidst tall green plants in a lush field, with trees and mountains in the background.

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Photo by UNDP Colombia

By emphasizing the participation of key stakeholders such as Indigenous communities, Colombia is not just championing conservation but also echoing its unwavering commitment to inclusivity and holistic, community-driven biodiversity endeavours. In essence, through the NEA and its subsequent initiatives, Colombia is shaping a future that balances policy, community engagement and unyielding conservation efforts.


Ethiopia is one of the top 20 biodiversity-rich countries in the world, with 2 out of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots (the Eastern Afromontane and the Horn of Africa). Its NEA process, coordinated by the Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute (EBI) and with technical backstopping support by UNEP-WCMC, led to the development of a composite book and summary for policymakers, which were validated in April 2022. Building on this success, EBI and UNDP Ethiopia have embarked on a journey of strengthening policy and institutional frameworks and stakeholder engagement to contribute to the sustainable conservation and management of the country’s natural assets.

A scenic view of a residential building surrounded by dense green foliage, with partially constructed buildings in the background under a partly cloudy sky.

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

These efforts included the production of two policy briefs: Ethiopian Aquatic and Wetland Ecosystems: Precious Biotic Systems under Threat and Biodiversity-related Local Community Knowledge: Neglected Category of Wisdom. Two outreach materials on the topics of “Ensuring land degradation neutrality in Ethiopia” and “Ethiopian pollinator conservation” were also produced, with potential distribution to students, farmers, agricultural extension agents and other land users.

A large group of people, many wearing face masks, gathered indoors on the stairs and landing for a group photo, under a banner for the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute's National Ecosystem Assessment Dialogue Meeting.

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

Through the BES Solution Fund, EBI and UNDP Ethiopia have identified the key entry points for: (a) strengthening Ethiopia’s National Biodiversity Platform (NBP) to contribute to the uptake of priority recommendations from the NEA, particularly in the update of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for alignment to the GBF, and in support of the country’s Ten-Year Perspective Plan and the Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy Plan; and (b) engaging stakeholders who may not have been adequately engaged in the past but are instrumental in carrying forward the message of “living in harmony with nature”, especially for on-the-ground action.

A group of people standing and squatting together outdoors, posing for a group photo with trees and hills in the background.

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

The country has also established an NBP with 129 institutions from federal and regional/local governments, the private sector and civil society actors. In total, the Ethiopian NBP brings together 171 individual members (73.7 per cent men and 26.3 per cent women) to create a shared vision and mode of collaboration for the science, policy and practice communities. Among these, 23 per cent are scientists, 32 per cent are policymakers, 24 per cent are practitioners, 14 per cent are from the private sector, and 7 per cent are from local media institutions.

A wide view of a conference hall filled with participants sitting at tables with purple and white tablecloths, attending a plenary session at the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute's National Ecosystem Assessment Dialogue Meeting.

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

Photo by UNDP Ethiopia

The engagement of the private sector (industries and businesses) plays an important role in promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns. Additionally, the engagement of the media (public and private) is key to the dissemination of information to wider masses that may be far beyond the reach of the platform, allowing their inclusion as stakeholders who otherwise might not conventionally be included as members. Engaging both sectors goes a long way towards demonstrating Ethiopia’s commitment to a holistic stakeholder engagement approach in the fight against the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Blue Nile Waterfalls

Blue Nile Waterfalls. Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash.

Blue Nile Waterfalls. Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash.

 A man in formal attire and a white cap stands alone on a sandy desert landscape under a partly cloudy sky.

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

A close-up view of a beekeeper's hand gently handling bees on a honeycomb frame.

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

A beekeeper in protective gear and a yellow hat inspects a honeycomb frame covered with bees in an outdoor apiary.

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan


The Aral Sea, formerly the world’s fourth-largest lake, stands as a haunting testament to one of the most severe environmental disasters inflicted by human hands. Once a vibrant ecosystem supporting fisheries, agriculture and animal husbandry, its rapid deterioration has not only razed its rich biodiversity but also uprooted countless communities, entangling them in a maze of socioeconomic and ecological hardships. Responding to this challenge and taking cues from the Central Asia Regional Trialogue, Kazakhstan, in collaboration with BES-Net, crafted an action plan focused on reversing desertification and land degradation, especially in the areas around the Aral Sea.

A group of camels, including one standing prominently in the foreground, roam the dry, grassy expanse of a desert landscape.

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

The BES Solution Fund championed an exhaustive study, diving deep into the intertwined dynamics of climate change, land degradation and water-related issues in the region. This investigation laid bare significant gaps in water resource management and pinpointed areas of agricultural inefficiency. Forming the backbone of this revival effort is the collaboration between an array of stakeholders. From the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan to local administrative bodies, non-governmental organizations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, all hands are on deck to restore the Aral Sea region and uplift its struggling communities.

A beacon of this rehabilitation initiative is sustainable agriculture. This approach not only restores nature’s balance but also holds the promise of revitalized livelihoods for local communities to which the BES Solution Fund has contributed, alongside other UNDP-led projects. Through the introduction of irrigation systems and the cultivation of high-value and pollinator-friendly crops, 101 hectares of the Aral Sea region have been restored. Central to this endeavour is the strategic integration of pollinators, which not only aids in agricultural productivity but also furthers the broader climate objectives. At the heart of the transformation ongoing in Kazakhstan lie the demonstration plots in the Kostanay region, which showcase sustainable agriculture in action and spotlight the growth of honey plants and the implementation of the “green grass conveyor” technique across 22 hectares.

An expansive field with rows of plastic-covered soil, where a lone worker tends to the crops under a vast sky.

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

Photo by UNDP Kazakhstan

The ripple effects of these interventions on the community are profound: over 700 residents have seen a boost in their incomes ranging from 30–79 per cent owing to enhanced land productivity. In the Kostanay and Almaty regions, 19 farming families have been the catalysts for creating over 300 job opportunities in forest nurseries and land restoration, specifically targeting vulnerable community segments. This holistic approach encapsulates the mission to restore the ecological balance of the Aral Sea region while mending and enhancing the socioeconomic fabric of its communities.


Raising the profile of Indigenous knowledge and the engagement of youth in pollinator conservation and sustainable land management has been at the heart of the work undertaken in Kenya through the BES Solution Fund. The Kenya National Trialogue (KNT) – a multistakeholder coordination platform that promotes biodiversity conservation using evidence from the IPBES assessments and in line with national biodiversity priorities and policies – has been working hand in hand with UNDP Kenya to champion this approach.

Two smiling individuals dressed in vibrant traditional clothing stand together in a grassy field, with hills and a cloudy sky in the background.

Photo by UNDP Kenya

Photo by UNDP Kenya

In the Eburu Forest ecosystem that falls within the Lake Naivasha landscape, one of Kenya’s land degradation neutrality targeted areas, KNT has engaged the Ogiek Indigenous Peoples and the surrounding local communities on pollinator conservation. The undertakings included documenting pollinator species and pollinator forage plants within the forest and farming areas, as well as land use practices that promote soil conservation within the farming areas. KNT has not only gathered and documented information on Indigenous and local knowledge and practices at the site but also promoted exchange by sharing scientific knowledge on the subjects and emphasizing the complementarity of Indigenous, local and scientific knowledge. This project aimed to ensure the preservation of Indigenous and local knowledge as well as intergenerational knowledge transmission to strengthen awareness of the importance and value of working with diverse knowledge systems.

A group of schoolchildren in red uniforms listen attentively to a teacher in a greenhouse, surrounded by various potted plants and seedlings on tables.

Photo by UNDP Kenya

Photo by UNDP Kenya

KNT has also involved local youth in the implementation of biodiversity conservation activities to instill the values of living in harmony with nature, striving to inspire youth engagement in nature conservation for their well-being and that of generations to come. Besides creating awareness on pollinator conservation and sustainable land management in schools, KNT has actively engaged teachers and students in practical aspects of conservation, including the establishment of demonstration plots for tree nurseries, vegetation regeneration and pollinator forage gardens in schools. KNT facilitated a visit by the environmental conservation clubs (16 teachers and 82 students) run by the Eburu Bongo Club. They visited the national research institutes’ facilities at the National Museums and Kenya Forestry Research Institute in Nairobi to appreciate scientific contributions to the KNT interventions. This activity aimed to encourage children and the youth to serve as advocates and agents of intergenerational learning and sustainability by laying a strong foundation for future pollination and land degradation neutrality action.

A honeybee is perched on a cluster of small purple flowers, collecting nectar with a blurred green background.

Photo by UNDP Kenya

Photo by UNDP Kenya

A group of people posing for a group photo in front of a building, holding informational materials at a Biodiversity Ecosystem Services Network and National Trialogue Working Group workshop.

Photo by UNDP Nigeria

Photo by UNDP Nigeria

An aerial view of a large green field with scattered groups of people working and walking, under a blue sky with scattered clouds.

Photo by UNDP Nigeria

Photo by UNDP Nigeria


The Nigeria team has been actively working towards the uptake of the IPBES assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production, as well as the assessment on land degradation and restoration, by implementing priority activities in the action plan developed during the Anglophone Africa Regional Trialogue held in 2019. In an effort to promote policy commitment towards pollinator conservation and sustainable land management, an integral part of the country’s IPBES assessments uptake process has been the development of a national pollinator strategy and an integrated pest management strategy through the BES Solution Fund support.

A woman in a brown shirt and knit hat tends to plants in a greenhouse, surrounded by lush green foliage.

Photo by UNDP Nigeria

Photo by UNDP Nigeria

In 2020, Nigeria joined Promote Pollinators, the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators (or “Promote Pollinators,” an international alliance among countries to work together and share knowledge for the protection of pollinators and their habitats) as part of the country’s political commitment to promoting pollinator conservation and sustainable pollinator management. Building on this, the Nigeria Trialogue Working Group, in collaboration with UNDP Nigeria, worked to develop a theory of change model for the national pollinator strategy in line with national plans and priorities. Promote Pollinators and the Naturalis Biodiversity Center provided technical backstopping support for this initiative during a workshop held in September 2022. The theory of change developed will reinforce the main purposes of the national pollinator strategy: (a) awareness creation at the highest level of government decision-making on the issues facing pollinator species; (b) improvement in public awareness on the importance of pollinators for ecosystem and environmental health, biodiversity and food security; (c) development of a national strategy on pollinators that would catalyze the development of a “National Bill on Pollinators” to enable them to thrive; and (d) mitigation and reduction in the use of hazardous pesticides and agro-chemicals in general. These efforts also link to the development of an integrated pest management strategy, which seeks to promote the application of sustainable tools for pest control to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to human health, the environment and ecosystem integrity.

Trinidad and Tobago

The alarming messages of the IPBES pollination assessment have united policymakers, scientists and practitioners in Trinidad and Tobago to achieve the common goal of protecting pollinators, the lifeblood of the country’s diverse food systems and healthy biodiversity. A cadre of dedicated citizen scientists has been mobilized to help fill in data and knowledge gaps. Since 2020, over 3,000 observations of pollinator and pest species have been reported by 250 people across the islands, contributing to a national database of pests and pollinators. In partnership with farmers and a local non-governmental organization, the country also conducted a survey of native bees, possibly uncovering 16 species not previously recorded in the country.

A group of people engaged in a workshop or training session in an open-air structure, with some participants seated and others standing and presenting.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

The project team also reached out to over 2,000 people through in-person interactions at demonstration gardens, exhibition booths and training events, as well as virtual platforms such as webinars, virtual instructive videos and a mobile app. These community engagement campaigns successfully raised public awareness of pollinators’ vital roles, inspiring them towards more pollinator-friendly practices and contributing to the expansion of the Meliponini beekeeping community in the country. Central to this initiative was youth engagement: four representative pollinator species – a native bee, a bat, a hummingbird and a butterfly – were adopted as “Pollinator Super Squad” mascots to be included in a series of resources for educators and young learners.

A group photo of people smiling and posing outdoors, some standing and some kneeling, with a tree planting activity in progress.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago demonstrated its determination to strengthen the country’s commitment to pollinator conversation by joining Promote Pollinators in September 2023. The Government is currently developing comprehensive guidelines for stingless bee management in order to enhance the standard of the Meliponini beekeeping industry.

People examining a honeycomb frame in an outdoor setting, with a close-up view of the honeycomb and bees.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

An individual wearing a traditional conical hat wading in clear, shallow water, collecting marine resources, surrounded by vibrant green aquatic vegetation.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Four people standing on a rocky edge overlooking a wetland area with dense green vegetation and water, engaged in discussion or observation.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Viet Nam

Viet Nam’s 2021 NEA cast light on the biologically enriched landscapes of the country and their great socioeconomic importance while also emphasizing the need to address development challenges that exacerbate biodiversity loss. The quality of the most important ecosystems and their services is on a rapid decline due to unsustainable land and water conversion, overexploitation of natural resources, urban development, poaching, invasive species and climate change. Although clear legal stipulations around ecosystem services in national laws are not yet sufficient, the initial recognition of payments for (natural) ecosystem services has recently been stipulated in the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and its implementation guidance, Decree 08/2022/ND-CP. The BES Solution Fund aims to support the operationalization of payments for ecosystem services (PES), in particular for marine and wetland ecosystems. The goal is to tap into these potential financial sources for ecosystem protection in Viet Nam, thus rectifying the existing gaps between policies and actions on the ground for leveraging PES.

One of the findings of Viet Nam’s NEA is the country’s yet-to-be-fully tapped potential of payments for marine and wetland ecosystem services (PMES/PWES). About 20 million Vietnamese people totally or partially depend on aquatic resources for their income, while the seagrass habitats (being one of the most important coastal ecosystem service providers) have declined by 40–50 per cent in the past decade due to unsustainable practices. The Vietnamese Government recognizes the need to better preserve the country’s water-based ecosystems and is taking advantage of the successful collection of US$728.09 million (2011–2020) from registered users of forest services to commit to further upscaling of nature-positive initiatives from the ground up. In particular, it is developing national guidelines for the creation of provincial and site-based PMES and PWES schemes. Prior to finalization and nationwide issuance, a site-specific plan for the piloting of PWES will be implemented in Tram Chim National Park in the Mekong River Delta, allowing spaces for lessons learned and opportunities going forward.

In the future, similar discussions regarding evidence-informed national policymaking and action plans will be heralded in the operationalization of the Viet Nam Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Partnership Forum. This forum is a permanent platform for regular interactions among policymakers, scientific researchers and practitioners operating in the field of biodiversity conservation.

Lessons Learned

A row of small fishing boats is anchored in the clear, shallow waters of a tranquil lagoon, surrounded by lush green hills and a distant bridge.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Lessons Learned

A row of small fishing boats is anchored in the clear, shallow waters of a tranquil lagoon, surrounded by lush green hills and a distant bridge.

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Photo by UNDP Viet Nam

Stakeholder Engagement and Inclusivity

The holistic engagement of stakeholders and promotion of meaningful interaction among science, policy and practice communities, as well as the inclusion of the private sector through knowledge exchange biodiversity platforms, are essential to combating biodiversity loss and integrating nature into development objectives with tangible outcomes. The efforts in Ethiopia and Kazakhstan highlight the significance of including diverse groups such as scientists, policymakers, practitioners, the private sector and the media.

Intergenerational knowledge transfer through the engagement of children and youth as an integral part of biodiversity conservation interventions goes a long way to instill values that secure the future of sustainability of nature across generations. Kenya’s focus on engaging youth and facilitating intergenerational learning experiences demonstrates the long-term benefits of involving younger generations in conservation efforts.
Collaborative and cross-sectoral approaches

Collaborative and Cross-Sectoral Approaches

The importance of collaboration across various sectors, including different ministries and policy communities, is highlighted by Nigeria’s efforts in developing a national pollinator strategy and integrated pest management strategy. This approach ensures a broader engagement under GBF and a more comprehensive response to biodiversity challenges.

Three people are standing and talking in front of a fenced area labeled "Life Sciences Butterfly Habitat," surrounded by lush greenery.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

A person is holding a wooden frame with honeycombs and bees, with honey dripping down into another person's hand, while smiling onlookers watch in the background.

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

Photo by UNDP Trinidad and Tobago

 A person wearing a brown jacket is holding a delicate plant with small leaves and fluffy white seed heads against a backdrop of green foliage.

Photo by UNDP Kenya

Photo by UNDP Kenya

An elderly woman with gray hair, wearing a striped shirt and a blue backpack, is harvesting leaves from a small plant in a dense forest, accompanied by other people.

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Photo by UNDP Colombia

Evidence-based Decision-Making and Strategic Policy Integration

Filling in data and knowledge gaps in biodiversity thematic areas that lack sufficient information, in addition to understanding the intersections with development objectives, is key to ensuring evidence-based decision-making for a more nature-focused development approach across different sectors. Colombia shows the importance of integrating recommendations from NEAs into national development plans and aligning them with the GBF. This integration ensures that biodiversity conservation is embedded in national policy and strategic planning.

The support provided to enhance the capacity of national biodiversity platforms in Cameroon and Ethiopia is crucial for enabling effective conservation efforts, stakeholder engagement, and policy implementation.

Public Engagement and Citizen Science

Citizen science greatly enriches the quality and availability of data on pollinators and can be effectively done by raising awareness. Trinidad and Tobago’s efforts to engage the public and mobilize citizen scientists in pollinator conservation activities illustrate the power of awareness-raising and community involvement in achieving conservation goals.

Innovative Conservation Efforts

Innovation, such as the implementation of PES schemes, boosts conservation efforts. Viet Nam’s development of national guidelines for PES schemes highlights the potential of financial incentives to support conservation efforts and sustainable resource management, promoting a nature-positive economy.


This snapshot report underscores the impactful outcomes of the strategic uptake of evidence towards tangible biodiversity solutions in the first eight countries supported by the BES Solution Fund. Beyond individual achievements, these countries are emerging as trailblazers in adopting innovative approaches to effectively utilize IPBES assessment and NEA results in practice, tailoring the approaches to local contexts.

The transformative initiatives highlighted in the report showcase a commitment to bridging the science-policy-practice interface, creating fertile ground for collaboration and innovation. By integrating assessment findings into national strategies, these countries are setting a precedent for inclusive, locally relevant decision-making that can serve as a model for others.

The innovative practices observed across the board demonstrate the adaptability and potential for collaboration sparked by the BES Solution Fund. These first eight countries are not just recipients of support but contributors to a movement of global change. As we navigate this crucial decade for nature, the experiences of these countries pave the way for collective action, highlighting the undeniable impact of collaboration, innovation and a shared commitment to sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem management.

Looking to the future, it’s clear that the journey is far from over. The challenges of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation demand ongoing adaptability, resilience and a willingness to innovate. The next phase of our collective efforts must focus on scaling these successful practices, exploring new avenues for cross-sectoral collaboration and ensuring that the insights gained can benefit a wider array of countries and communities.