
National Ecosystem Assessments

National ecosystem assessments synthesize critical knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services to empower the full consideration of nature’s values in decision-making.

Photo by Boudewijn Huysmans on Unsplash

Global Activities

National ecosystem assessments are supported by UNEP-WCMC’s NEA Initiative. Leveraging the expertise of the Sub-Global Assessment Network (SGAN), global activities encompass:

  • A capacity-building programme that includes regular workshops, a dedicated website hosting knowledge and resources, fellowship programmes and exchange visits
  • A series of global training workshops with country partners and up-to-date training materials on national ecosystem assessments made available online
  • Knowledge-sharing and case studies disseminated through different channels, such as webinars, workshops and side events at international and regional biodiversity conferences
  • Supporting national engagement with international processes, IPBES and CBD

National Activities

Tailoring the IPBES assessment process to specific country needs, the national ecosystem assessment process encompasses the production of a technical assessment report, a summary for policymakers document and policy support tools for integrating assessment findings into country-level decision-making.

BES-Net contributes to building capacity and knowledge exchange at the national level through national ecosystem assessments in 11 countries across four continents. This supports IPBES’ work programme and Capacity-building Rolling Plan.

BES-Net also supports the assessment process by collaborating with country partners to organize national Trialogues. Through these Trialogues, BES-Net creates a three-way dialogue among scientists, policymakers and practitioners, as well as Indigenous Peoples and local communities, farmers, businesses, civil society and non-governmental organizations.

Image courtesy of UNDP Climate
Assessments ongoing
Countries supported
SGAN members

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Assessments by Country

Explore national ecosystem assessments by country.





Viet Nam