Urban forest at Nagan Raya Regency is located in the central government and becomes a green open space that provides many benefits both directly and indirectly for the entire community in the region. Nagan Raya urban forest has various types of trees that usually found in low land mineral soil, such as Vitex pubescens locally known as Mane and Artocarpus blumei locally known as Tarap. Besides, the urban forest of nagan raya has become the habitat of several species of primates, reptiles and birds. In order to calculate the carbon stock of Nagan Raya urban forest, we use the “carbon calculator” tool developed by Michigan State University. By using nested plot of 5 m x 5 m for pile (small tree) category; 10 m x 10 m plot for pole (medium tree) category and 20 m x 20 m plot for tree category. With 12 total plots that are systematically spread throughout Nagan Raya urban forest. Averagely, carbon stock at Nagan Raya urban forest is 353,72 tCha-1. Naturally, trees in the climax condition tend to have less increment and will rotten. We suggest that maintenance and replanting of Nagan Raya urban forest is necessary to replace plants that have entered the category of “old” or low increment with made regeneration types to optimize the function of Nagan Raya urban forest as one of the buffer systems for the urban community.
Urban forest carbon stock and biodiversity assessment at Nagan Raya Regency
Year: 2022