In 2021, the ACTO Member Countries approved the Regional Biodiversity Program for the Amazon Basin/Region, which aims to improve biodiversity management and protect the traditional knowledge of the Region’s indigenous peoples, local communities, and other tribal communities. The Program identified the need to assess the state of biological diversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Region by taking into consideration and applying the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) conceptual framework and methodology.
The Rapid Assessment of Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services of the Amazon Basin/Region considers the regional context and its multiple territorial, social, cultural, legal, and environmental levels. The Assessment took into account recommendations shared by indigenous peoples through a dialogue with their representatives, coorganized by the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (Spanish acronym COICA) and the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish acronym FILAC).