Global environmental governance (GEG) forums, such as those convened through the United Nations, resulted in the
development of monumental guiding frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of Parties (COPs) Aichi and post-2020 targets. The ratification of policy frameworks
by the member and/or signatory states can result in major shifts in environmental policy and decision-making and has major
implications for Indigenous communities. In this article, we present a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature on
Indigenous participation in GEG forums, and focus on the specific questions: (1) what GEG forums include Indigenous
participation and (2) how do Indigenous peoples participate in GEG forums, including how their perspectives and knowledge
are framed and/or included/excluded within governance discussions, decisions, and negotiations. We provide a bibliometric
analysis of the articles and derive seven inductively determined themes from our review: (1) Critical governance forums and
decisions; (2) inclusion and exclusion of Indigenous voices and knowledge in GEG forums; (3) capacity barriers; (4)
knowledge hierarchies: inclusion, integration, and bridging; (5) representation and grouping of Indigenous peoples in GEG;
(6) need for networks among and between Indigenous peoples and other governance actors; and (7) Indigenous peoples’
influence on GEG decisions and processes. Our findings can be used to improve GEG forums by contributing to the
development strategies that address the barriers and inequities to meaningful and beneficial Indigenous participation and can
contribute to future research that is focused on understanding the experiences of Indigenous peoples within GEG forums.
Indigenous participation and the incorporation of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in global environmental governance forums: A systematic review
Year: 2021