Important breakthroughs have recently been made in our understanding of the cognitive and sensory abilities of pollinators: how pollinators perceive, memorize, and react to floral
signals and rewards; how they work flowers, move among inflorescences, and transport pollen. These new findings have obvious implications for the evolution of floral display and
diversity, but most existing publications are scattered across a wide range of journals in very different research traditions. This book brings together for the first time outstanding scholars from many different fields of pollination biology, integrating the work of neuroethologists and evolutionary ecologists to present a multidisciplinary approach. Aimed at graduates and researchers of behavioral and pollination ecology, plant evolutionary biology, and neuroethology, it will also be a useful source of information for anyone interested in a modern view of cognitive and sensory ecology, pollination, and floral evolution.
Cognitive ecology of pollination: Animal behaviour and floral evolution
Year: 2001