Effects of Landscape Composition on the Occurrence of a Widespread Invasive Bird Species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Impact of Invasive Bees on Plant-Pollinator Interactions and Reproductive Success of Plant Species in Mixed Nothofagus Antarctica Forests
Protecting Ecosystems by Way of Biological Control: Cursory Reflections on the Main Regulatory Instruments for Biological Control Agents, Present and Future
Taxonomic and Geographical Representation of Freshwater Environmental DNA Research in Aquatic Conservation
Disruption of an Exotic Mutualism Can Improve Management of an Invasive Plant: Varroa Mite, Honeybees and Biological Control of Scotch Broom Cytisus Scoparius in New Zealand
First Record of the Invasive Bumble Bee Bombus Terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Navarino Island, Southern Chile (55°S)
Invasive Rats and Recent Colonist Birds Partially Compensate for the Loss of Endemic New Zealand Pollinators