Nutrient additions have direct and indirect effects on biocrust biomass in a long-term Chihuahua Desert grassland experiment
Systematic review of fish ecology and anthropogenic impacts in south American Estuaries: Setting priorities for ecosystem conservation
Preliminary Investigation of Lake-Use Patterns in Prairie Lakes, Stakeholder Perceptions and Resulting Management Implications
Simultaneous regional detection of land-use changes and elevated GHG Levels: The case of spring precipitation in tropical south America
Measuring resilience and assessing vulnerability of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change in South America
Adaptive capacity in the foundation tree species Populus Fremontii: Implications for resilience to climate change and non-native species invasion in the American Southwest
Analysis of the effect of climate warming on Paludification Processes: Will soil conditions limit the adaptation of northern Boreal forests to climate change? A synthesis
California spotted owl habitat selection in a fire-managed landscape suggests conservation benefit of restoring historical fire regimes