‘Who had to die so I could go camping?’: Shifting non-native conceptions of land and environment through engagement with indigenous thought and action
Understandings, practices and human-environment relationships—A meta-ethnographic analysis of local and indigenous climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in selected pacific island states
Indigenous knowledge and the enhancement of community resilience to climate change in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam
The role of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in water sector adaptation to climate change in Africa: A structured assessment
A systematic review of the deployment of indigenous knowledge systems towards climate change adaptation in developing world contexts: Implications for climate change education
Climate change and small-scale agriculture in Africa: Does indigenous knowledge matter? Insights from Kenya and south Africa
Biochar porosity: A nature-based dependent parameter to deliver microorganisms to soils for land restoration
Land degradation by erosion occurred after irrigation development in the Harran plain, Southeastern Turkey