The ecosystem services and green Infrastructure: A systematic review and the gap of economic valuation This study was conducted to determine the trends at the inte...
A new tool to evaluate, improve, and sustain marine protected area financing built on a comprehensive review of finance sources and instruments Marine protected areas (MPAs) require sustained funding to p...
The costs of increasing precision for ecosystem services valuation studies Ecosystem services valuation (ESV) is increasingly used to p...
The Bioeconomy–Biodiversity Nexus: Enhancing or undermining nature’s contributions to people? Bioeconomy has become fundamental for a post-fossil-resource...
Biodiversity, natural capital, and the economy: A policy guide for finance, economic and environment ministries Nature underpins all economic activities and human well-bein...
National ecosystem assessments to support implementation of convention on biological diversity Over many years and in many different circumstances, nationa...
Understanding the financial risks of nature loss: exploring policy options for financial authorities Whilst progress has been made on understanding climate-relat...
Financing a sustainable ocean economy The ocean, which regulates climate and supports vital ecosys...
How can National Forest Funds catalyse the provision of ecosystem services? Lessons learned from Costa Rica, Vietnam, and Morocco National Forest Funds (NFFs) represent a significant funding...
Guidelines for planning and monitoring corporate biodiversity performance The Guidelines for planning and monitoring corporate biodive...
Beyond the gap: Placing biodiversity finance in the global economy Since its inception in 1992, the Convention on Biological Di...
The nature of Global Green Finance standards—Evolution, differences, and three models (1) Background: Green finance standards have proliferated wi...