Evolutionary overview and prediction of themes in the field of land degradation Land degradation has become one of the major global environm...
Earth observation-based detectability of the effects of land management programmes to counter land degradation: A case study from the highlands of the Ethiopian plateau In Ethiopia, land degradation through soil erosion is of maj...
Mapping and quantifying comprehensive land degradation status using spatial multicriteria evaluation technique in the headwaters area of upper blue Nile river Mapping and quantifying land degradation status is important...
The use of deep machine learning for the automated selection of remote sensing data for the determination of areas of arable land degradation processes distribution Soil degradation processes are widespread on agricultural ...
A review: Agricultural production and food industry during pandemic COVID-19 During the Covid-19 pandemic, many sectors were affected, in...
Organic food production: Search for territories and types of organization The choice of the region for the location of the production ...
GEMs: Genetically Engineered Microorganisms and the regulatory oversight of their uses in modern food production Over the past several decades, the use of genetically engine...
Toward a sustainable metric and indicators for the goal of sustainability in agricultural and food production This paper reviews the state of the art in agricultural and ...
Reconciling food production and environmental boundaries for nitrogen in the European Union Meeting European policy targets for reducing nitrogen (N) po...
Exotic Insect Pollinators and Native Pollination Systems Insect pollinators have been relocated by humans for millenn...
Global effects of land-use intensity on local pollinator biodiversity Pollinating species are in decline globally, with land use a...
Assessment of women’s benefits and constraints in participating in agroforestry exemplar landscapes Participating in the exemplar landscapes of the Developing a...