Perspectives on area-based conservation and its meaning for future biodiversity policy During 2021, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversi...
A window to the world of global insect declines: Moth biodiversity trends are complex and heterogeneous Moths are the most taxonomically and ecologically diverse in...
Seagrasses provide a novel ecosystem service by trapping marine plastics There is strong evidence that seafloor constitutes a final s...
Ecosystem integrity is neither real nor valuable We argue that “ecological integrity” is a bad fit as a v...
Benthic Invaders Control the Phosphorus Cycle in the World’s Largest Freshwater Ecosystem The productivity of aquatic ecosystems depends on the supply...
The use of ecological models to assess the effects of a plant protection product on ecosystem services provided by an orchard The objective of this case study was to explore the feasibil...
The value of forest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis at the European scale and application to National Ecosystem Accounting A great share of ecosystem services (ES) at the global scale...
Battling food losses and waste in Saudi Arabia: Mobilizing regional efforts and blending indigenous knowledge to address global food security challenges Food Loss and Waste (FLW) that entail substantial economic, ...
‘Who had to die so I could go camping?’: Shifting non-native conceptions of land and environment through engagement with indigenous thought and action Scholarship in the area of social movements points to the im...
Understandings, practices and human-environment relationships—A meta-ethnographic analysis of local and indigenous climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in selected pacific island states Local and Indigenous knowledge systems worldwide indicate ad...
Indigenous knowledge and the enhancement of community resilience to climate change in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam Over centuries, ethnic minority communities in the north of ...
The role of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in water sector adaptation to climate change in Africa: A structured assessment Evidence of human adaptation actions responding to climate i...