A review of innovative international financial mechanisms for biodiversity conservation: With a special focus on the international financing of developing countries’ protected areas This report aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion abo...
The BIOFIN workbook: A tool to mobilize financial resources for biodiversity and development The aim of BIOFIN, and the purpose of the BIOFIN Workbook, i...
Scaling Innovative, Community-Based Coastal Biodiversity Protection Projects in Indonesia, Philippines and the Pacific Healthy fisheries and coastal habitats provide coastal commu...
What makes businesses commit to nature conservation? To halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, var...
Water resource conservation promotes synergy between economy and environment in China’s northern drylands Water resource availability is the major limiting factor for...
Reflections on the Dasgupta review on the economics of biodiversity The Dasgupta Review provides a rich overview of the economic...
Environmental protection or economic growth: What do Nigerians think? Nigeria, like most developing countries, has continued to wi...
Green economy and sustainable development The study of green economy and sustainable development is on...
Green finance, fintech and environmental protection: Evidence from China This paper is one of the first to offer a comprehensive anal...