Food from the Wild – Roles and Values of Wild Edible Plants and Fungi Humans have used a multitude of wild species of plants, fung...
Testing the Use of Interviews as a Tool for Monitoring Trends in the Harvesting of Wild Species Many aspects of human behaviour impact on ecological systems...
Introduction: Digital Participatory Biodiversity Science We are living in an age where biodiversity is being lost at ...
Poor Online Information on European Marine Protected Areas Impairs Public Participation under the Aarhus Convention The Aarhus Convention is a globally recognised benchmark for...
Shedding Light on Pollination Deficits: Cueing into Plant Spectral Reflectance Signatures to Monitor Pollination Delivery Across Landscapes Pollination underlies plant yield, health and reproductive s...
Willingness of Rural and Urban Citizens to Undertake Pollinator Conservation Actions Across Three Contrasting European Countries Pollinators enable the reproduction of the vast majority of ...
The Land Degradation and Desertification-Socioeconomic Nexus in Egypt’s Delta Region: A Case Study on Alexandria and Beheira The Nile Delta is Egypt’s primary source of agricultur...
Combating Land Degradation and Desertification: The Land-Use Planning Quandary Land-use planning (LUP), an instrument of land governance, i...
Global Indicators of the Environmental Impacts of Invasive Alien Species and their Information Adequacy Monitoring the extent to which invasive alien species (IAS) ...
Impacts of Invasive Plant Management on Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Forest ecosystems and biodiversity are considered integral t...
Infographics on the State of Traditional Knowledge of Biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina This resource showcases the integral role of traditional pra...
Indigenous and Local Knowledge Practices for Pollinator Conservation and Sustainable Land Management in Eburu Ecosystem, Kenya In an era where modernity and technological advancement prev...