2025 BES-Net Regional Trialogue for East and Southern Africa Background Document Biodiversity, the foundation of life on Earth, provides esse...
Report of the Validation Workshop of the Annual Work Plan of the IPBES Platform and Launch of the BES-Net II Project Scientific evidence shows that invasive alien species are a ...
The Importance of Indigenous Peoples’ Lands for the Conservation of Terrestrial Mammals Indigenous Peoples’ lands cover over one‐quarter of Eart...
Contributions of Indigenous Knowledge to Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Indigenous Knowledge (IK) is the collective term to represen...
Engaging Women and Men Equally in Managing Biodiversity Biodiversity and its associated ecosystem services are cruci...
Towards a Gender-Responsive Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity This research paper ‘Towards a gender-responsive implement...
Compost Application Enhances Soil Health and Maintains Crop Yield: Insights From 56 Farmer-Managed Arable Fields Improving soil health while maintaining crop yield is a key ...
Shifting Agriculture is the Dominant Driver of Forest Disturbance in Threatened Forest Species’ Ranges Forest disturbance, including deforestation, is a major driv...
Ecosystem Based Adaptation: Concept and Terminology in Strategic Adaptation Planning (Municipal and Inter-Municipal) in Portugal Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is a nature-based solution ...
Why Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Gender Justice Go Hand in Hand Conserving ecosystem integrity and investing in ecosystem re...
Filling the Gaps in the Genetic Diversity of Austropotamobius torrentium (Astacidae, Decapoda) from One of the Few Unexplored Hot Spots Recent molecular analyses of the stone crayfish have reveale...
Drone-based Surveys Improve Estimates of Tree Hollow Abundance and Accessibility Tree hollows form critical habitat for fauna (Gibbons &...