

Wisconsin Land Stewardship Crew Member

Wisconsin Land Stewardship Crew Member

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

A Wisconsin land Stewardship Crew Member will implement priority land management tasks on sites owned by The Nature Conservancy or key conservation partners in Wisconsin.  The positions will be directed in the field by the Wisconsin Land Stewardship Crew Lead and will work cooperatively with other crew members, TNC staff, and partners to manage preserve areas, maintain tools and equipment, and monitor TNC-owned properties to assess issues such as boundary encroachment or vandalism.  The management tasks include, but are not limited to, exotic species removal through manual and chemical control, timber stand improvement, species monitoring, resource mapping, and property/trail maintenance.  In addition, Wisconsin Land Stewardship Crew Members will participate in prescribed fire implementation including preparing fire lines, maintaining equipment, assisting in prescribed burns, post-burn monitoring, and other tasks.  As part of a mobile crew, these positions will be expected to aide in keeping detailed records on monitoring, herbicide applications and other actions undertaken, while helping to foster a safe, collaborative working environment.  These positions will be highly mobile, will work independently with crew members throughout the State, and will interact with preserve neighbors, TNC volunteers, and the visiting public.


  • Supervises no staff, but may help plan and direct preserve work groups, including staff or volunteers.
  • Works in a high-stress team environment under variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain, and under physically demanding circumstances.
  • Requires considerable physical exertion and/or muscular strain.
  • May require long hours in isolated settings.
  • Makes day to day decisions as delegated by supervisor.
  • May work under minimal and/or distant supervision; may make some independent decisions with crew members based on analysis, experience and context.
  • With the crew, implements weekly and monthly work plans for land management activities across Wisconsin preserves.  This may include helping to coordinate day-to-day logistics such as housing, transportation, and equipment preparation.
  • Participate in prescribed fire implementation at TNC-owned and/or partner sites throughout Wisconsin. This includes entering the position meeting the NWCG training standards as a Fire Fighter Type 2, or achieving that qualification within 14 days of starting with TNC.
  • Interact with diverse groups that may include landowners, conservation partners, government officials, donors, board members and the general public to recruit support for the Conservancy and publicize Conservancy programs/preserves.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Wisconsin
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: March 25, 2022
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50706&PostingSeq=1