

Technical Specialist

Technical Specialist

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, as established by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is often referred to as “REDD+”.  The UNDP REDD+ team is based in UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support – BPPS. It is part of the Sustainable Development cluster and also works closely with the Climate Change team.

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is an international mechanism to reward developing countries for reducing their rates of deforestation and forest degradation, and for conserving, sustainably managing and enhancing forest carbon stocks.

As a signatory to the UNFCCC, and as a REDD+ Country, Kenya is committed to measures to decrease and adapt to the effects of climate change.  This is  detailed in  the  National  Climate Change Strategy, Climate Change  Action Plan and  the  Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).  

Launched in 2008, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) provides assistance to developing countries in building necessary capacities to engage in REDD+. Kenya is a FCPF partner country. As a Delivery Partner for FCPF, UNDP plays an important role in supporting countries in their REDD+ efforts. The UNDP Kenya Country Office, through the Energy, Environment and Climate Change Unit (EECCU), will support Kenya to implement the FCPF REDD+ readiness programme.  UNDP’s Climate and forests team will provide overall technical advisory support to EECCU, particularly through the regional team based in Nairobi.  The regional teams support UNDP’s country offices and partners in their region. 

The project aims to put in place mechanisms to enable Kenya to reach its overall REDD+ goal to improve livelihoods and wellbeing, conserve biodiversity, contribute to the national aspiration of attaining a minimum 10% forest cover and mitigate climate change for sustainable development. The project shall be implemented through the National Implementation Modality (NIM) with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in its official role as the coordinator of climate change activities in Kenya. 

The REDD+ Technical Specialist will report to the Project Manager and support implementation of this project working under the overall guidance of the National Project Coordinator and working very closely with the Project Management unit team, UNDP (Environment, Energy and Climate Change Team Leader) and the UNDP Climate and Forests team, notably, the Senior Regional Technical Advisor for Africa and other Regional and Global experts. 

Summary of the main functions

Coordinate development of the REDD+ strategy and investment plan;
Provide top quality technical advice and strategic guidance for effective implementation and results-based management of the Project according to project objectives and stated results as well as with UNDP policies and procedures and the FPCF Common Approach;
Provide technical support in the delivery of the four outcomes of the Project including substantive inputs into the REDD+ strategy and investment plan.
Duties and Responsibilities
Coordinate development of the REDD+ strategy and investment plan:
Develop Terms of Reference (TORs) for the recruitment of consultants for analytical studies, the National REDD+ Strategy and Investment plan following UNDP rules and regulations;
Identify and evaluate experts, and review reports produced, following UNDP rules and regulations;
Supervise and coordinate the team of consultants for the delivery of analytical reports;
Provide support and technical advice to the development of policy options and strategy for the design and implementation of the FCPF project including support on the development of the Strategy and Investment plan;
Ensure coordination with other international, regional and national REDD+ initiatives in the development of the National REDD+ Strategy and investment plan;
Ensure timely delivery of the REDD+ strategy and investment plan.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Nairobi
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: August 2, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/erecruitjobs.html?JobOpeningId=31889&HRS_JO_PST_SEQ=1&hrs_site_id=2