

Senior Associate Monitoring and Evaluation

Senior Associate Monitoring and Evaluation

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

At the Rainforest Alliance we are looking for a Senior Associate Monitoring and Evaluation to maintain the monitoring and evaluation systems and tools, defined under the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan (MEL) for the Business Case to facilitate adaptive management activities and product delivery to the donors that will be developed in coordination with the MEL Manager. S/he will be responsible for the design and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system for the PMP, collection and analysis of data for project indicators, and contributing to the learning process with partners and stakeholders. S/he will also provide the information required for the monthly, quarterly and annual reports required by donors and the development and/or analysis of maps and databases.

Rainforest Alliance, in partnership with Clarmondial, CDP North America and Conservation International (CI) Foundation and with support of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is leading the Business Case Initiative for Collective Landscape Action (the Business Case henceforward). The goal of the Business Case is to scale-up reductions in commodity-driven deforestation while accelerating biodiversity conservation, restoration and community livelihoods gains by demonstrating the business case for collective landscape action and enabling application globally.

Across the Amazon and Indonesia, the rates of forest loss and biodiversity loss are increasing at the same time the global impacts of climate change are escalating. If the world is to turn the corner from increasing rates of forest and biodiversity loss, and climate disaster towards a net forest-positive and climate-positive future, transformative solutions that have the potential to unleash systems-change are needed.

The Goal of the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action is to scale-up reductions in commodity-driven deforestation while accelerating biodiversity conservation, restoration and community livelihoods gains by demonstrating the business case for collective landscape action and enabling application globally. When facing problems that an actor or a sector cannot face alone, challenges such as climate change, access to quality water (social conflict), loss of biodiversity and its ecosystem services (pollinators, pest control and soil quality), the integrated landscape approach management (ILM) in RA facilitates collaborative landscape governance processes involving a multiplicity of key stakeholders, called in Business Case the Landscape partnership. It is long-term in nature, with a vision and commitment of more than 10 years, multiple sources of financing, markets and tax incentives, which are outlined in a formal landscape action plan (LAP), approved a landscape partnership and impacts are monitored by a tool called LandScale. The landscape partnership, Landscape action plan and LandScale will create better conditions to allow regions to “de-risk” and encourage investment, go further certification to address challenges that have an impact outside the farm (wastewater management, for example) and align the Landscape Action Plan to the planning instruments of the governments and the private sector.


  • The Rainforest Alliance’s Core Values are Impact, Change, Collaboration, Openness and Trust and as such they form the basis of the behaviours we demonstrate;
  • Ensuring the implementation of a measurement, reporting and verification system and monitoring its implementation in the field;
  • The development of quality control for the collection and analysis of project indicators data;
  • Support Business Case Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan (MEL) to track progress towards achievement of project goals, intermediate results and activities. Support definition of theory of change to measure indicators variation and development and maintenance of a PMP data management system, including providing training, materials/tools, and ongoing guidance to all Business Case partners to report in the PMP;
  • Work closely with staff and partners to coordinate the systematic and standardized collection, analysis, and interpretation of the project’s performance results including the analysis of geographic information from the project;
  • Develop analysis of GIS database oversight and support;
  • Completes data requests via dashboards, apps, maps, spreadsheets, and other formats;
  • Ensuring coordination with partners and experts to produce maps and provide the information required for project case studies and knowledge products;
  • Input new data collected from the field and provide monthly monitoring and evaluation results to the Technical and Monitoring Manager via monthly, quarterly updates and annual learning workshops;
  • Contribute with the development of implementation progress reports for donors according to the timeframes required by the project;
  • Supervise the development and maintenance of a centralized data management System for projects;
  • Conduct analysis and reflections of the data and learnings
  • Other duties as assigned.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Peru or Colombia, Various locations
Organization: Rainforest Alliance
Deadline: October 14, 2022
External website link: https://rainforest-alliance.hirehive.com/Embed/Job/106988?source=#HireHive_app