

Regional Managing Director, Africa

Regional Managing Director, Africa

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Africa RMD serves as the senior executive leading this major geography.  They provide leadership for the design and implementation of programs and strategic actions for the conservation of biological diversity in Africa.  They ensure that strategies and activities reflect the Africa Region’s strategic approach and priorities and is ultimately responsible and accountable for the programs, partnerships, and conservation results throughout the region. The Africa RMD represents the Region broadly to TNC senior management, the Board of Directors, major private donors, country governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies, and NGO partners. They fundraise with public and private donors and ensures that sufficient resources are available to accomplish the regional/program’s objectives.  They build and direct the leadership team to provide managerial oversight for all administration, ensuring adherence to legal requirements and TNC policies and procedures.


  • Leadership and Management. Model TNC core values and leadership competencies while leading and motivating the team towards shared organizational priorities, ensuring accountability and allocation of necessary resources and support across the region. Broad management and leadership responsibility with a team of 10 direct reports for a team of approximately 110 members in multiple geographies and time zones with a budget of approximately USD$38M per annum.
  • Vision. Maintains a vision for the programs in the Africa Region that aligns with TNC’s 2030 Goals as part of our Shared Agenda and external trends. Creates and successfully communicates visionary approaches that leverage existing and new capabilities and/or partnerships to the practical problems of large-scale international conservation and fundraising within TNC.
  • Strategy. Coordinates with leadership team and local teams to guide and execute the Africa Region strategies in support of TNC’s priorities, as well as co-creates equitable strategies with global and other internal teams that accelerate progress towards our goals.
  • Plans. Responsible for creating annual financial, staff, and operational plans to prioritize and meet current and future conservation needs for TNC.
  • Relationships. Forms and cultivates external partnerships to rapidly advance our international conservation work. Establishes and maintains effective working partnerships with staff, vendors, partners, academic institutions, and donors.
  • Corporate Engagement: Builds and maintains relationship with top CEOs in Africa.  
  • Fundraising. Identifies and cultivates major donors and secures cash and in-kind donations. Nurtures long-term positive relationships with major donors interested in conservation work in the region and/or surrounding Shared Agenda priorities.
  • Corporate Risk Management. Implements risk management strategies to ensure protection of TNC’s brand and reputation.
  • Innovation: Applies innovation principles to maximize learning and impact across conservation, financial and operational strategies.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Kenya
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: June 13, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=49787&PostingSeq=1