

Regional Director, D1

Regional Director, D1

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. UNEP’s Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean (ROLAC) helps to implement UNEP’s global programme’s in the Latin America and Caribbean region by initiating, coordinating and catalysing regional and sub-regional cooperation and action in response to environmental challenges and emerging issues. This position is located in UNEP, Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean (ROLAC) at the Panama duty station. Under the supervision of the Deputy Executive Director the incumbent will perform the following duties.

1. Political and Policy Analysis, Relations and Support:
a) Identify, assess, analyze and monitor environmental and relevant political, economic and social development trends in the region to generate knowledge, information and early warning for policy and decision making and incorporate them into UNEP’s policy and programme development, and effectively contribute to strengthening the UNEP strategic regional presence in Latin America and Caribbean. b) Provide leadership for the effective provision by the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, ensuring that its decisions contribute to the environmental priorities for the region and achieving the sustainable development goals. c) Formulate short-term, mid-term and long-term strategic and practical recommendations for UNEP’s global regional and sub- regional environmental policy development for the implementation of programmes and projects in the region. d) Represent UNEP and the Executive Director in the region at the international and regional forums and inter-agency meetings, and coordinate UNEP’s relations with stakeholders in the region. Initiate, coordinate, organize and advise on UNEP meetings, high-level visits, missions and events in the region, sub-region and countries and follow-up on activities. d) Provide substantive policy support to regional, sub-regional and transboundary political processes in the region.

2. Programme Coordination, Management and Implementation:
a) Identify environmental sustainability challenges, opportunities, priorities and needs for the development and implementation of UNEP’s Medium-Term Strategy (MTS), Programme of Work (PoW), and projects at regional, sub-regional and national level. b) Lead the integrated delivery of UNEP’s PoW and associate programmes, frameworks and projects through matching UNEP’s services with regional, sub-regional and national needs and priorities. Draw on technical support from UNEP Divisions, facilitate capacity building and technology support, and lead the delivery of programme and projects. c) Coordinate UNEP’s cooperation with government and inter-government institutions, partners and other stakeholders, regional and sub-regional centres and networks for the implementation of UNEP’s PoW commitment under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and regionalization of international environmental goals and processes in the region. d) Coordinate UNEP’s engagement in UN regional coordination structures: the Regional UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG-LAC) and the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) to ensure that UNEP is fully aligned with the objectives of the UN Reform in the region. e) Coordinate UNEP’s engagement with the UN system, the regional UN Development Coordination Office (UNDCO), the UN Resident Coordinators and the UN Country Teams (UNCTs) structures and programming processes.

3. Operations:
a) Oversee the management and administrative services of UNEP’s strategic presence in the region. Liaise with UN Regional and Country Offices to ensure enhanced cost effectiveness of UNEP’s implementation at regional and country level.

4. Partnership:
a) Build, coordinate and advise on strategic and programmatic partnership in the region with government authorities, UN organizations, partners, and other stakeholder. Support UNEP’s activities and strengthen capacity at the regional, sub-regional and national levels. b) Facilitate and support inter-regional cooperation and partnership in the context of promoting South-South, and triangular cooperation. c) Oversee the coordination and support the involvement of major groups and stakeholders in the region, sub-regions and countries in environment and sustainable development decision making, their access to and sharing of environmental information.

5. Communication and Outreach:
a) Oversee the implementation of UNEP’S external and internal communication strategies in the region and contribution of regional inputs to global level efforts. b) Develop and implement UNEP’s regional communication strategy, outreach campaigns and activities to raise UNEP’s profile. C) Lead UNEP’s advocacy in the region, and support advocacy of environmental Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and their objectives in coordination with the global and regional secretariats of the MEAs.

6. Resource Mobilization:
a) Lead and Coordinate UNEP’S fundraising from bilateral and multilateral donors at regional and country level for up-scaling UNEP intervention in the region. b) Provide information and advice for UNEP’s corporate resource mobilization and resource allocation efforts and develop and maintain regional resource mobilization strategies.

8. Perform other related duties as requested by senior management of the Organization.

Type: Job opportunity
Organization: UNEP
Deadline: January 13, 2021
External website link: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=143388