

Programme Specialist – Green Economy

Programme Specialist – Green Economy

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Ethiopia has demonstrated successive, rapid and strong economic growth in the past decade, with average growth rate of 10% that led to poverty reduction significantly. Building on the successful implementation of the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), I&II, which will end in 2020, and following the socio-economic and political reform observed in the last two years, and taking the Climate Resilience Green Economy (CRGE) as framework; now Ethiopia has developed the Homegrown Economic Reform Programme (HGER), that aims to address structural issues and sustain a rapid and inclusive economic growth setting the country on a path to prosperity. The HGRE call for building a resilient and diversified middle-income economy, driven by the private sector; eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; building human capabilities; creating a modern policy and institutional framework; and creating an efficient, resilient and well-functioning financial market. The HGER will implement a forthcoming 10-Year Perspective Plan, which is based on five strategic pillars: macroeconomic stability; quality of economic growth; productivity and competitiveness; implementation capacity at all levels; and a resilient green economy.   Ethiopian government is committed to transform the economy to be resilient and green.
Aligned fully with the CRGE and guided by the UNDP Strategic Plan, 2018-2021, the emerging UNDP strategic offer for Africa and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the new Country Programme Document (CPD) 2020-2025 for Ethiopia approved in June 2020 is expected to assist Ethiopia to promote leapfrogging to a green economy and faster adaptation to climate change. 
As clearly outlined in the new CPD, UNDP will focus on access to renewable, affordable and clean energy as a major catalyst for the transition to a jobs-rich green economy, ensuring that women and female-headed households benefit from this investment. UNDP will work at the three levels: policy analysis, advocacy and advisory services to de-risk and create an enabling environment for the emergence of a market at scale for renewable energy services; prototyping of business models and technologies with private sector participation; and development of bankable projects to crowd-in investment. Partnerships with sister agencies will be emphasized as will South-South cooperation, tapping into ongoing collaboration with the Government of China and others. In addition, UNDP will build up its portfolio on sustainable urbanization, continuing work on urban waste management, combining livelihoods improvement, development of urban greenery and climate change mitigation. Building on continued support to the Beautifying Sheger Project in Addis Ababa, a Smart Cities Hub will focus on solutions using digital and analogue technologies to boost inclusion, sustainability and resilience, with a special focus on the role of women in advancing the New Urban Agenda. 
In light of this important role for renewable energy and sustainable urbanization, UNDP Ethiopia intends to recruit a full time Programme Specialist – renewable energy, low carbon development and resilient cities. The Programme specialist will work under the overall guidance of the Resident Representative and Deputy Resident Representative (programs) and will be placed under the direct supervision of the Team Leader – Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Unit. 
The incumbent will be responsible for the overall management of the UNDP programme in the area of promoting renewable energy, low carbon development, waste management and sustainable and resilient cities development and ultimately accelerating the implementation of the CRGE. The Programme Specialist works in close collaboration with the Country Office (CO) projects and programme staff, operations team, programme staff in other UN Agencies particularly with Habitat, UNDP HQs staff and Government officials, technical advisors and experts, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society to successfully implement the UNDP programme.  The Programme Specialist works on a daily basis with colleagues in the UNDP CO and at the project level, necessitating that the incumbent be able to develop and maintain viable working relationships with colleagues across the organization and in government offices, and be able to work with them in a responsive client orientation and in results oriented and problem solving manner. As part of the CO’s commitment to innovation, the incumbent will also work with the Accelerator Lab team, policy and research team  and other colleagues to explore, experiment and apply innovative approaches in the area of energy, urbanization including adopting protocols that are supported by evidence and best practices.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: October 29, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/erecruitjobs.html?JobOpeningId=33180&HRS_JO_PST_SEQ=1&hrs_site_id=2