

Programme Manager 4 Returns Programme

Programme Manager 4 Returns Programme

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

As a Joint Programme Manager you will lead our joint strategy development, ensure effective delivery of planned results, enable synergy and alignment between individual organisation efforts, represent our partnership externally and develop the programme further. You will support the leadership and staff of Commonland, Wetlands International and Landscape Finance Lab to achieve synergies in delivering the “4 Returns Programme” and to ensure its long term success.Additionally, you will be responsible for Wetlands International’s contribution to the programme and will act as an ambassador of the 4 Returns approach within the Wetlands International network. Wetlands International’s ambition over the next five years is to recover ten large wetland landscapes – and to mobilise others to follow suit – to benefit local communities, the economy and nature.
Both positions may eventually evolve into fulltime positions pending programme development and fundraising.

Responsibilities and tasks

Joint programme management (50% while varying over time)

  • Strategy. Leads the preparation of project strategies and helps translate these into real impact on the ground that catalyses further restoration, in close collaboration with the two CEO’s of the organisations and senior staff.
  • Coordination. Provides oversight, coordination, support and backstopping for delivery of activities and deliverables. Ensures information systems allow for cross-collaboration.
  • Synergy. Stimulates synergies between team members to seize key opportunities and overcome challenges across the three organisations and their partners and landscapes. Ensures alignment on common values and approaches
  • Fundraising and investor engagement. Supports fund mobilisation staff of each organisation to mobilise funding and engage investors for integrated landscape management.
  • Administration. Ensures the set up and timely delivery of the project and is responsible for technical and financial reporting towards donors. Prepares and manages project budgets.
  • Representation. Represents the partnership externally as appropriate, is point of contact for key partners such as 1000 landscapes and oversees stakeholder engagement and partnership development.
  • Other duties as appropriate.

4R lead Wetlands International (50%)

  • Lead. Is responsible for Wetlands International’s contribution to the partnership and ensures timely and satisfactory delivery, with a focus on advocacy and impact on the ground through landscape partnerships and shaping best practices. Coordinates the Wetlands International team.
  • Integrate. Ensures that wetlands and water resilience become an integral part of our common 4R methodology, building on and disclosing Wetlands Internationals longstanding track record and in close collaboration with the global network. Is chief content editor for Wetlands International.
  • Implement. Establishes the necessary processes for landscape project and partnership development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation within Wetlands International. Facilitate knowledge sharing and joint learning within the global network.
  • Champion. Champions the 4R approach to the Wetlands International global network, members and strategic partnerships. Ensures the approach is embraced within the organisation and adopted in new landscape partnerships.
  • Other duties as appropriate.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Ede-Wageningen, Netherlands
Organization: Wetlands International
Deadline: November 14, 2021
External website link: https://www.wetlands.org/joint-programme-manager-4-returns-programme/