



Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Org. Setting and Reporting
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to set the global environmental agenda, promote the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serve as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Africa Office represents UNEP in Africa and coordinates the implementation of its regular programme of work in the region, among other activities. The Office ensures that there is effective and efficient delivery of timely interventions in response to regional, sub-regional and national needs and that there is better coherence and coordination in delivery of environmental capacity-building and technical support at all levels in response to country needs and priorities. The work of UNEP in Africa is spread over seven key thematic areas: Climate Change; Resource Efficiency; Resilience to Disasters and Conflicts; Environmental Governance; Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality; Healthy and Productive Ecosystems; and, Environment Under Review.

The Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality Sub-Programme, under which this position falls, assists countries and regions in managing, within a life-cycle approach, chemical substances and waste that have potential to cause adverse impact on the environment and human health and prevent and mitigate air pollution.

This post is located in the Africa Office at the Nairobi duty station.

Under the direct supervision of Regional Director, UNEP Africa Office and within delegated authority, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties:

•Serves as a senior policy officer, advising UNEP, and particularly the Regional Director and the Subprogramme Coordinator for Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality, on overall policy direction and country needs in the Africa region that require UNEP’s attention.
•Serves as the primary UNEP focal point in the region on delivery of the Programme of Work in the area of chemicals, waste and air quality; Keeps abreast of, analyses and reports on latest developments related to the field of chemicals, waste and air quality; Liaises with UN country teams/ Resident Coordinators, other UN specialized agencies, local, regional and international non-governmental organizations, national research institutes, national government institutions, relevant MEAs /conventions, etc. on matters related to chemicals, waste and air quality;
•Prepares strategies on the environmental policy aspects of UNEP’s regional work related to the sound management of chemicals and waste and improving air quality in the context of the Medium-Term Strategy and Programme of Work; Organizes follow-up work in the region, including inter-agency technical review meetings to support policy development work and decision-making on important issues based on country needs; ensures the consideration and regional implementation of recommendations emanating from relevant reports, including global and regional chemicals, waste and air quality assessments.
•Assists regional institutions and national governments, including relevant stakeholders: Supports the UN Development System processes related to the chemicals, waste and air quality agenda at national and regional levels; Provides a forum for direct participation in problem identification and policy analysis; Coordinates technology transfer and promotes the adoption of best options suited to national conditions and encourages innovative local solutions; Supports resource mobilization to support UNEP’s activities in the Africa region.
Strategic Planning and Coordination
•Supports regional strategy development in the area of chemicals and pollution and helps translate the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy for the Africa region/ portfolio
•Engages with teams across the Africa Office and Divisions to develop concepts and full project documents/ programme elements that can deliver on the Expected Accomplishments and their indicators in the region
•Oversees the delivery of the Programme of Work in the Africa region, with emphasis on priority topics such as improved waste management and the prevention of plastic pollution, building on lessons learned
•Acts as the regional focal point for the chemicals, waste and air quality sub-programme including related MEAs: In collaboration with the chemicals and waste MEA Secretariats and relevant UNEP Divisions, provides substantial support to national focal points on the implementation of actions agreed by the Conferences of the Parties; In consultation with MEAs, supports implementation of national and regional activities such as MEA related workshops, training programmes and capacity building activities in preparation for various MEA events and processes; Supports the mainstreaming of chemicals and waste MEAs implementation into national development processes; Coordinates the regional input into UNEP’s programming related to capacity building, policy support, data, information and knowledge management, access to technology, and development of standards within the area of chemicals, waste and air quality; Provides the necessary support to internal and external processes of UNEP including its governing bodies; Prepares situation reports as necessary to national and global partners.
•Coordinates UNEP’s work in the region, in collaboration with the relevant UNEP Division(s) and the global Sub-programme Coordinator for Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality, to help countries build capacity in the area of chemicals and waste and to facilitate access to air quality measures and technologies; Work through partnerships with key actors to catalyse action towards the sound management of chemicals and waste, including through multi-stakeholder partnerships and strategic alliances to scale up the use of tools and guidelines, and to improve the mainstreaming of chemicals and waste management in health and other key sectors; Develops region and country-specific recommendations based on the analysis of pertinent information.
•Facilitates a coordinated approach in the region in the area of capacity building and technology transfer in the field of chemicals and waste and improving air quality; Assists countries to integrate chemicals, waste and air quality considerations in the development and implementation of national and regional development strategies and within the UN system for country assistance; Advises on resource mobilization as well as the proper use and spending of related donor contributions, channelled through UNEP as well as UN system-wide efforts.
•Ensures appropriate monitoring and reporting on the implementation of UNEP’s programme of work within the Africa region and helps making the programmatic results visible in the region and globally.
•Establishes and maintains contacts with counterparts, senior officers and technical staff in relevant MEA/Conventions Secretariats, other UN specialized agencies, local, regional and international non-governmental organizations, national research institutes, national government institutions, etc.; Ensures appropriate mechanisms to facilitate collaboration and exchange of information both in and outside of the UN system, as it relates to the field of chemicals, waste and air quality.
•Organizes and participates in relevant working groups, meetings, conferences, consultations with other agencies and partners on chemicals and waste-related issues.
•Establishes strong partnerships with UN sister agencies and MEA Secretariat focal points in the region, as well as external partners to leverage capacity building support and facilitate access to technology on chemicals and waste issues, particularly with and in support of the chemicals related MEAs.
•Facilitates coordination with institutions with primary implementation responsibility: Facilitates coordination of national governments, UN Agencies, business, civil society organisations; Furthers the collaboration between the chemicals and waste MEAs to strengthen their support to national and regional level actors; Develops and maintain a network for collaboration and partnerships within UNEP, UN organizations, governments and expert institutions, and promotes the mobilization of resources for programme activities; Develops a database of best practices in the area of chemicals, waste and air quality in the Africa region.
•Performs other duties as required.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: NAIROBI
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: November 29, 2020
External website link: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=141488