

Programme Analyst, Women’s Economic Empowerment – Climate-Resilient Livelihoods

Programme Analyst, Women’s Economic Empowerment – Climate-Resilient Livelihoods

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

In Viet Nam, UN Women contributes to the development objectives of Viet Nam’s Socio-Economic Development Plan and the National Strategy for Gender Equality.  Its Country Strategy Note for 2016-2021 is aligned to the upcoming One Strategic Plan 2016-2021 and is focus on supporting Viet Nam’s fulfilment of Gender Equality commitments under CEDAW, and the promise of the 2030 Development Agenda to “leave no one behind”.

 The key priorities of UN Women in the 2016-2021 period are, (i) to support transformation of government’s growth policies and related key sectoral policies such as rural development, labour and employment, Climate Change (CC), and disaster risk reduction and management (DRR/M) to progressively promote women’s economic security and resilience; (ii) deepen the implementation of CEDAW recommendations and the gender targets of SDGs that will ensure that gains in the elimination of discrimination and violence against women and girls are sustained and deepened.

The overarching goal for the first priority area is that “Women are economically empowered and resilient to economic shifts, disasters and climate change”. UN Women will support efforts both by government and civil society to strengthen legislation and policies related to promoting and protecting women’s livelihoods and economic opportunities, including in the context of DRR/M and CC, so that they are gender responsive and in accordance with international normative frameworks and human rights standards. UN Women will also support key institutions provide effective services that support women’s economic empowerment and resilience building, including in reducing women’s vulnerabilities to economic shocks, disasters, and the effects of climate change. UN Women will also support efforts to promote private sector engagement through the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), as part of its WEE strategy.

Within the WEE portfolio, the project “Strengthening women’s livelihoods and participation for greater resilience to disasters and climate change in Viet Nam” (2018-2021), from here on “the climate-resilient livelihoods project”, aims to strengthen women’s livelihoods and participation for greater resilience to disaster and climate change in Viet Nam with focus on building both institutional capacity of Viet Nam Women’s Union as women’s agency and voices, and the individual capacity for local women in disaster prone areas to strengthen their resilience to climate change. At the policy level, it will work with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to mainstreaming gender into the policy making process as well as enhancing capacity on gender responsiveness of MARD’s staff , to ensure that agriculture and rural development and disaster risk reduction policy is gender responsive and promotes women’s empowerment. At the local level, the intervention will help to generate evidence and good practices on alternative livelihood models for women, which will then feed into policy recommendations. It will also invest in communications to change community norms and attitudes toward gender equality and women’s roles in disaster risk reduction and agriculture and rural development.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Country Representative of UN Women Vietnam office, the Programme Analyst is responsible for managing the project on climate-resilient livelihoods. Among other, the Programme Analyst will: provide substantive technical support and management to the implementation of the climate-resilient livelihoods project; contribute technically to the development of programme strategies and project proposals in the area of WEE in the climate change context for the Vietnam Country Office; contribute to building strategic partnerships and resource mobilization strategies; contribute to inter-agency coordination on WEE; and provide substantive inputs to advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts on WEE.

The Programme Analyst works in close collaboration the WeEmpower Asia Programme Manager on WEE coordination and synergy-building, and with the operations team and other programme staff in the Country Office. She/he also liaises with programme staff in other UN Agencies, and in the Regional Office and UN Women HQ as required. 

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Hanoi, Viet Nam
Organization: UN-Women
Deadline: October 21, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/erecruitjobs.html?JobOpeningId=32720&HRS_JO_PST_SEQ=1&hrs_site_id=2