

PFAN Communication and M&E Expert

PFAN Communication and M&E Expert

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The primary obstacles to the large-scale deployment of low carbon, climate resilient technologies required are access to finance and limited pipeline of investment-ready projects. The large investment flows to achieve the transition at the speed and scale necessary to meet global climate and energy challenges can only be achieved by leveraging the private sector. PFAN matches financing with innovative low carbon, climate resilient projects in developing countries and emerging economies with a small public investment through a low-risk, low overhead networking model based on fixed fee project development, transaction advisory services, and investor forums, meeting a need recognized in international development and climate circles. PFAN supports companies for low carbon, climate resilient projects in the areas of upstream technology development and downstream technology deployment. It mobilizes the expertise of private sector companies in financing climate-friendly projects and technologies to screen business plans and select the most economically viable and environmentally and socially beneficial projects. For the entrepreneurs and businesses selected, PFAN provides guidance on economic feasibility, project structure, investment and financing, preparation of the business plan, and introductions to investors. Specifically, PFAN serves three functions:

1. Capacitate entrepreneurs and businesses to develop bankable projects
2. Mitigate investor risk
3. Mainstream investments in low carbon, climate resilient projects for sustainable development PFAN is active in various regions, where it directly responds to the urgent need for capacity building of project proponents as well as investors, and in parallel to the need of market creation to help develop the investment opportunities and stimulate the interest of market participants.

In particular, PFAN sources promising and mature projects of significant size (the typical deal size supported by PFAN is 1-50 m USD) and provides highly specialized technical assistance to support the project proponents in developing investment ready proposals. These proposals are then introduced to prospective sources of finance. PFAN aims to ensure that women and men have equal opportunity to benefit from and participate in its services. Promoting gender equality is not only beneficial from a societal point of view, but also from an economic and impact perspective. PFAN recognizes not only its responsibility, but also the opportunity to engage with more women, more women-led businesses and more gender-focused projects. The main objectives with this regard include:

1) To achieve greater, more sustainable, equitable outcomes and impacts in an efficient and comprehensive manner by empowering women to actively contribute to and benefit from PFAN’s network and services.
2) To encourage every project supported by PFAN to be gender-responsive so that women and men’s resilience to and ability to address climate change, as well as access to clean energy, are equally enhanced.
3) To increase the pool of women-led and gender-focused projects in the clean energy and climate adaptation sector in order to reduce the gender gap of climate change-exacerbated social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities.

In February 2021, PFAN launched a dedicated country programme in Pakistan, titled Pakistan Private Sector Energy (PPSE) activity. Funded by USAID, this activity aims to increase private investment for energy projects in Pakistan, with a focus on clean energy and energy efficiency achieving financial closure.

Duty station: Islamabad, Pakistan

Main Functions

The Communications and M&E officer will work under the direct supervision of the Senior Technical Advisor and the PFAN Programme Management Unit. S/he is expected to closely coordinate with the PFAN Global Coordinator and other members of the Network, as well as with REEEP (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership) as executing partner of PFAN.

Together with the Senior Technical Advisor and the Output Leads the Expert will support the development, implementation and evaluation of PFAN Communication Strategy in Pakistan, following the USAID and PFAN Branding and Marking requirements, to reach and inform a variety of stakeholders including:
USAID, Entrepreneurs & Private Sector, Investors,Donors & Development and Local Financial, Institutions,Pakistani Government and public sector institutions.

– Liaise with the media and ensure outreach and promotion of PPSE project to the different stakeholder groups.
– Manage the development of USAID and PFAN branding in Pakistan; undertake outreach activities; showcase and substantive project development and investment events; make presentations on assigned topics/activities.
– Coordinate the development and dissemination of project publications and other relevant written materials.
– Assist in the design and content of any PFAN information products supplied to both requesting parties, service providers, collaborative partners and co-financing institutions.
– In conjunction with colleagues, devise communications activities and campaigns specifying objectives, target audiences, message content and appropriate channels together with provision for audience feedback and evaluation.
– Contribute to the planning and organisation of events and webinars, by, amongst others, drafting talking points, press releases and preparing necessary visual and promotional materials.
– Coordinate the work of consultants, partners and sub-contractors, review intermediary outputs, documents and reports, ensure the timely delivery of expected outputs, and effective synergy among the various sub-contracted activities.
– Coordinate social media and digital/online presence and visibility in accordance with USAID and PFAN branding strategy and marketing Plan.

Support the implementation of the PPSE Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan, by Leading the qualitative and quantitative data collection, and compiling them on a quarterly basis; specifically the contextual indicators and the performance indicators specific to Pakistan:

– Undertaking regular calls/monitoring visits and other needed methods to monitor and collect relevant data related to project activities.
– Ensuring quality assurance of monitoring and evaluation standards.
– Maintaining an effective and updated filing system of M&E related documents.
– Perform data quality assessments for selected indicators required by the donor.
– Preparation and submissions of quarterly M&E updates, and related documents/reports.
– Update the MEL Plan as and when necessary, based on the lessons learned during the Project implementation.
– Lead the identification and drafting of project case studies extracting and disseminating lessons learned, as well as success stories.
– Verify socio-environmental impact data from PFAN Advisors and project developers.
– Inform the relevant stakeholders, including the USAID, UNIDO and other stakeholders, about the steps taken for monitoring and evaluation and ensure their involvement in the M&E processes.
– Monitor specific aspects of project implementation, identify problems, and propose that actions be taken to ensure smooth delivery of activities.
– Provide inputs to the project progress reports and any other relevant input requests.


– Co-ordinate the overall development, implementation, and management of the PFAN Knowledge Management System in Pakistan to facilitate the capture, storage, utilization, creation, and sharing of information and knowledge.
– Explore Information Technology and Knowledge Management options (innovative web and social media networking platforms, knowledge management platforms, e-learning platforms, and virtual conferencing and events platforms) for the effective dissemination and uptake of PFAN resources.
– Identify and formulate lessons learned from M&E efforts to be integrated into broader knowledge management efforts for USAID project to be reported as and when required.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Pakistan
Organization: UNIDO
Deadline: March 9, 2021
External website link: https://www.unido.org/vacancies/pfan-communication-and-me-expert