

Palmyra Conservation Science Volunteer

Palmyra Conservation Science Volunteer

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

Conservation Science Volunteers are recruited for six-month assignments to support the conservation science and management projects that are a part of CARL. The duration of this term of service may be amended for safety purposes – volunteers will be notified and supported by TNC if any such decision is made. Volunteers will work six 8-hour days with one day off per week, in hot, humid, and/or wet weather, on difficult and hazardous terrain, and under physically demanding circumstances. These conditions will involve considerable physical exertion and/or muscular strain, frequent possibility of injury, long hours in isolated settings, exposure to chemicals (e.g. herbicide), contaminants (e.g. WW2-era fuel), and hazards (e.g. rusted metal from WW2-era equipment).

Volunteers must possess (or be able to obtain) a valid passport and, if applicable, the appropriate visa and/or work permit for working in the US with an expiration date at least one month later than the term of the assignment. Additionally, all volunteers must provide evidence of a physical examination, current tetanus  and COVID-19 vaccination, and health insurance. TNC provides remote medical coverage for non-emergency physician consultation and emergency evacuation insurance for all staff and volunteers. Volunteers must possess (or be able to obtain) a valid First Aid and CPR certification before the start of the volunteer term.

TNC will provide up to $900 reimbursement for round-trip airfare from the volunteer’s home to Honolulu as well as board and lodging while in Honolulu. Prior to traveling to Palmyra, volunteers will participate in a one-to-two-day orientation that gives an overview of TNC’s mission, values, and Code of Conduct, and of the Palmyra Program, including CARL. TNC will also provide round-trip travel to Palmyra from Honolulu, board and lodging at Palmyra, and key supplies and equipment for the period the volunteer is at Palmyra.



The Conservation Science Volunteer is responsible for aiding scientific studies and conservation initiatives led by TNC, USFWS, and/or our research partners. This position will be remotely supervised by the Palmyra Science Manager; therefore, volunteers must be able to operate safely with minimal guidance. Tasking priorities will be discussed with the Science Manager on a weekly basis. Daily, weekly, and monthly tasking varies according to the needs of priority conservation science projects, which may include native plant establishment and monitoring, invasive species control, seabird and shorebird monitoring tasks, insect monitoring and collection, and many other varied conservation science activities. Regular tasking also includes equipment and facilities maintenance, lab operations, data management, and reporting.



  • Live and work productively, following TNC’s Code of Conduct, within a small, isolated, and confined community in a remote island location for approximately six months.
  • Communicate effectively with a diverse group of people, including TNC staff, USFWS personnel, preserve staff, scientists, and others, to confirm understanding of priority tasking and to provide and obtain necessary information to ensure completion of tasks.
  • Implement tasking priorities without direct daily oversight.
  • Share observations and provide feedback and input on fieldwork and data management methods to increase project efficiency and accomplish project objectives.
  • Identify solutions to problems and take action as appropriate or communicate the situation to an appropriate party as needed.
  • Maintain and share organized files to describe projects, record data, document best practices, summarize field trials, etc.
  • Document and report activities, tasks, findings, and interesting observations via weekly and monthly reports and by taking and sharing photographs and videos with TNC.
  • Assist TNC and USFWS staff and research partners with community, housekeeping, maintenance, or other community-focused tasks as needed.
  • In the event of an emergency, volunteers may be tasked with specific duties to ensure safety and welfare of the community. This may include participating in a response to minor or major medical emergencies, high-water evacuation events, marine rescue events, fuel spills and/or fire containment, etc. Volunteers will be supported if they opt out of any activities that exceed their training or comfort level.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: Hawaii
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: November 30, 2022
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50843&PostingSeq=1