

Natural Resources Finance Executive in Residence

Natural Resources Finance Executive in Residence

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Nicholas School of the Environment (NSOE) at Duke University seeks a practitioner with experience in natural resources finance for an Executive in Residence faculty position. The growth of investment in forestland, water rights, mitigation banks, and other natural resources since the 1980s has created demand for professionals who combine skills related to natural resource management with skills in financial analysis and investment management. It has also increased the value of natural resources professionals who are conversant in financial concepts, and the value of finance professionals who have a basic understanding of natural resources. Financial innovation related to natural resources has continued to evolve. Conservation is being transformed by a variety of financial mechanisms and approaches, including payments for ecosystem services, conservation easements, mitigation banks, and impact investing, which tap private capital to fund the provision of carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, watershed services, and other environmental public goods and services from private lands. Investments in forestland and other natural resources are increasingly global, generating both new opportunities and new challenges and creating a need for professionals who are able to operate successfully in international settings.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Durham, NC, US
Organization: Duke University
Deadline: June 8, 2018
External website link: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/natural-resources-finance-executive-in-residence-at-duke-university-538742717/