

National Consultant to Design an Illustrative Manual, Communication Strategy and Develop Guidelines For Operationalisation of School Clubs on Climate Smart Agriculture Practices For Use By Teachers and Pupils of Primary Schools in Eastern Uganda

National Consultant to Design an Illustrative Manual, Communication Strategy and Develop Guidelines For Operationalisation of School Clubs on Climate Smart Agriculture Practices For Use By Teachers and Pupils of Primary Schools in Eastern Uganda

Type of offer:

Uganda’s economy and population largely depend on natural resource-based sectors like agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Yet the changing climate continues to adversely affect these natural resource-based sectors, thereby intensifying poverty and vulnerability of many people in the country. With over 80 percent of the Ugandan population dependant on agriculture for livelihood, building sectoral resilience for adaptation to climate change is crucial for reducing rural poverty and sustaining agro-based livelihoods. In this regard, GoU with support from UNDP and COMESA is implementing a project to enhance resilience of agricultural landscapes and value chains through scaling up climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices as a climate change adaptation strategy in seven districts in eastern Uganda.

The project seeks to enhance resilience of agricultural landscapes through strengthening farmer organizations, gender inclusiveness and management of strategic agricultural value chains, and increased awareness and adoption of CSA practices in primary schools. The expected outcome of this project is adoption of CSA best practices that enhance climate resilient agriculture production and institutions for CSA and climate change adaptation, and increased investment by private sector actors, particularly the input and marketing dealers that will supply climate smart technology inputs and services. It is hoped that these will be achieved through (i) supporting adoption of CSA practices and technologies in farmer cooperatives and primary schools, and (ii)developing enterprise platforms to enhance productivity, value addition, marketing and integration of CSA principles.

Objective of assignment:
The overall objective of the consultancy is to develop an illustrative manual that will be used by both pupils and teachers to guide the setting up and management of school gardens and clubs using integrated CSA practices and technologies.

Specific Objectives:
To develop an illustrative manual for pupils and teachers to guide establishment and management of school gardens;
To develop a communication strategy to guide creation of awareness and dissemination of knowledge on CSA technologies, practices and approaches in schools;
To develop guidelines for the formation and management of CSA clubs in schools,   Including guidance on how activities of the clubs shall contribute to adoption of CSA practices and technologies.

Type: Consultancy
Location: Kampala, UGANDA
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: December 31, 2020
External website link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=95730