

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The MEL leads with team and partners the co-creation and maintenance of replicable and scalable systems and processes for monitoring progress, evaluating socioeconomic and environmental impact, managing lessons and knowledge acquired throughout the implementation of the Program and supporting the adaptation of the strategies based on the monitoring, evaluation and learnings. They use a range of instruments in a holistic MEL system to collect and interpret qualitative and quantitative evidence on project strategies. They communicate information to project managers and partners to inform decision-making. They create coherence between TNC’s organizational-level – strategy the Shared Conservation Agenda (SCA) – and regional-level project implementation and monitoring systems. They work closely with local project partner organizations to further develop their MEL systems and train their staff, build partner capacity on MEL design and implementation, incorporate local knowledge, data collection and analysis, and lead the periodic reporting to project partners. Uses TNC’s code of conduct and competencies as a baseline to conduct their actions and be an example for others.



  • Identify the core information needs of project managers, partners, donors and other key stakeholders, including the purpose and audience of those information needs.
  • Propose a sound method to measure results such as: hectares under sustainable management, income for local communities, improved ranching and agriculture practices, improved forest management practices, improved value chains for local products (honey, cacao, diary, meat, etc.), improved local capacities, etc.
  • Design and implement systems and processes to identify, analyze, measure and document and disseminate results, failures and lessons learned. Ensure that this process is participatory, and includes perspectives and needs from team members and different partners.
  • Build capacity on MEL within TNC and partner organizations through involvement in networks and providing training and mentoring.
  • Participate in development of strategies and annual work plans to consider monitoring and evaluation data, ensure agreement on annual milestones and inclusion of MEL activities in the work plan.
  • Supervise and implement MEL activities included in the annual work plans, focusing on results and lessons learned.
  • Develop online databases, spreadsheets or other tools to ensure that monitoring and knowledge management data is compiled and readily accessible for use in decision-making.
  • Prepare technical reports and their timely submission for project reporting.
  • Lead and work with the program team to collectively develop the MEL systems, identify key indicators that work well, identify problems, causes of potential issues in the project implementation, and specific recommendations for improvements.
  • Work with project collaborators, plan and execute data collection processes for socioeconomic and environmental data, and analysis.
  • Advise the design, implementation and dissemination of evaluations, special studies and assessments.
  • Invest ample time in the field to support implementation of MEL work and identify where adaptations to streamline and improve efficiency might be needed.
  • Foster participatory monitoring and evaluation by engaging primary stakeholder groups in the MEL activities and support partners and stakeholders to develop their MEL systems to suit their purposes and audiences.
  • Work with communication leads to key audiences (e.g. RM’s, Development Team, Social Media, Media and others) to review information needs and develop communications products that best suit their purposes and audiences.
  • Network with external and TNC internal partners to exchange experiences, promote learning, and achieve MEL excellence.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Mexico
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: November 2, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50477&PostingSeq=1