We are seeking an Intern to join our growing Nature Economy team, working at the junction between biodiversity and the economy.
This position will work with the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) team to bring together the findings and synthesis of two impact and capacity building- oriented projects coordinated by UNEP-WCMC, the Development Corridors Partnership (DCP), and the Trade Development and the Environment (TRADE) Hub, both funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund of UK Research and Innovation. DCP focuses on the impacts of development corridors in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania), while the TRADE Hub, which links researchers in several regional/country teams (Central Africa, Brazil, Tanzania, Indonesia, China, the UK and Europe) and 37 partner organizations, investigates implications of global trade in wild species and agricultural commodities.
The intern will work with the project management and MEL team to deliver project reporting to the funder, drawing on information collected from international partners and synthesising research and project findings. This will include gaining experience with various MEL processes through assessment of progress against the project Theory of Change, Logframe and Impact Pathways.
In addition, the intern will help organise a project conference in Cambridge, UK to provide a forum for discussion of findings, lessons learned and future collaboration. This may involve event logistics, planning a suitable agenda and inviting and liaising with speakers.
This role will gain valuable experience in working on a research and conservation project, learning how to deliver a project conference, work with a MEL system and create a report for a major funder. This experience will be highly beneficial for future conservation and project management work.