

Internship with the Biodiversity Finance Initiative – BIOFIN

Internship with the Biodiversity Finance Initiative – BIOFIN

Type of offer:

Support the organization of Regional Workshops;
Provide support on the implementation of the Knowledge Management strategy;
Develop guidance materials and training materials on financing solutions for biodiversity conservation for BIOFIN teams in different countries; 
Review international best practises to identify case studies that can serve as examples for BIOFIN work;
Familiarize with the revised BIOFIN methodology and analyse different country outputs;
Write stories and news articles on BIOFIN activities;
Support the BIOFIN Communication team by promoting and maintaining BIOFIN’s social media updated (e.g. Website / Twitter / Facebook page);
Support the organization of webinars and regional calls;
Research, collect, analyse and present the work BIOFIN has been doing in its 30 core countries and the same for other similar projects working in different regions of the world
Monitor, analyse and synthesize the developments, press clippings and reports of BIOFIN, and maintain a database of BIOFIN news coverage and update regularly;

Type: Internship
Location: Istanbul, TURKEY
Organization: UNDP
Deadline: May 25, 2018
External website link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=78798#utm_source=unjobs&utm_medium=more_info