

Interns needed to assist in the development and management of content

Interns needed to assist in the development and management of content

Type of offer:

The UNCCD Capacity Development and Innovation Office (CDIO) develops, collects, stores and shares opportunities, information and experiences of, in, and on capacity development and innovations to support the facilitation of the efficacious implementation of the UNCCD at all levels. This Capacity Development Marketplace as part of the CDIO is space and mechanism promoting the most diverse, innovative and best opportunities to develop, build and strengthen capacity, and for encouraging the search for and discovery of new approaches, ideas and possibilities in this field. Its ultimately aim is to be the key resource for receiving and sharing all information relating directly or indirectly to capacity development within the framework of the UNCCD implementation process.
The Marketplace is an interactive medium where inter alia:
➢ Diverse opportunities for relevant capacity development are promoted, including opportunities for: Employment (including consultancies), Volunteerism, Internships, Study and Research grants, and crowdfunding;
➢ Quick and easy access to resources on capacity development from around the world;
➢ E-learning in matters pertaining to capacity development within the framework of the objectives of UNCCD;
➢ Online forums, webinars and trainings are held;
➢ Synergies with other sustainable development conventions in the area of capacity development are promoted;
➢ Every section of the public has the opportunity to contribute to the further development and strengthening of these capacities within the framework of the UNCCD process.
In order to ensure that the products of the Marketplace reach each and all who need them, great use is made of various pathways of engaging the public, including social media channels. The incumbents shall assist the Marketplace Team in the efficacious managements of content in the particular language he/she will work, i.e. English, French or Spanish. 

Type: Internship
Location: Bonn
Organization: UNCCD
Deadline: November 20, 2020
External website link: https://www.unccd.int/sites/default/files/vacancies/2020-10/ToR%20CBM%20Internship%20ENG%20FR%20SP%20October%202020.pdf