

Intern – to Support Ecosystem Management Programmes

Intern – to Support Ecosystem Management Programmes

Type of offer:

1.Conduct research on selected aspects of programmes, operations and other activities, including data collection, analysis and presentation of data and information related to ecosystems and biodiversity;

2.Undertake research and provide inputs for the development of a series of stories to be used for the UN Environment website;

3.Assist in the preparation and finalization of various materials, including briefing notes, outreach materials, responding to letters and memos and other correspondences;

4.Support in practical and substantive organization of, in particular, meetings and workshops related to ecosystems and biodiversity;

5.Assist in research on the synergies, links, impacts and nexus between biodiversity and land issues, sustainable development goals, as well as Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) with selected environmental themes such as land and climate change.

6.Identifying linkages with similar programmes/projects in the region and opportunities to build new partnerships and promote synergy and cooperation.

7.Assist in the implementation and development of materials for the communication outreach project for Ecosystem Based Management Communication Project in the West Asia region;

8.Support communication activities;

9.Support other activities in the Ecosystem and Biodiversity Programme and other Sub-programmes in the UN Environment Office for West Asia.

Type: Internship
Location: MANAMA
Organization: UNEP
Deadline: May 9, 2018
External website link: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=96604#utm_source=unjobs&utm_medium=more_info