

Institutional Partnerships Director (Location flexible)

Institutional Partnerships Director (Location flexible)

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Institutional Partnerships Director furthers the work of the Caribbean Division of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and its conservation partners through building and or maintaining relationships and via direct interaction with governments, multilateral agencies, and targeted business sectors focusing on policy, conservation priorities or practices, and funding initiatives that provide conservation opportunities and/or impact our conservation programs.  They identify conservation policy and funding opportunities, evaluate the potential for strategic partnerships, and develop and implement strategies to influence public policy and public funding for conservation at the national, regional and/or global level.  They liaise with counterparts within the organization to provide and extract useful lessons and experience and to coordinate on joint policy/practice approaches.  They lead or contribute to the development of Caribbean Division proposals for public funds to ensure quality and compliance with donor standards and provide support to Caribbean staff to find solutions when issues of implementation quality arise.  They coordinate public donor cultivation and funding opportunities aggregating and orchestrating different strategic initiatives as a coordinated public donor strategy for projects focusing at the national or multi-national scale. They maintain the Public Funding Pipeline database and ensure timely entry of information to TNC’s internal tracking system and monitor and assesses needs for dedicated public funding support for Caribbean programs in collaboration with Program Directors and Managers, as well as TNC’s relationship managers for specific agencies.  They will act as TNC’s lead contact (or coordinate with TNC’s lead contacts) for Caribbean regional bi-lateral and multi-lateral funders such as the Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, United States Agency for International Development, German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ), German Development Bank (KfW), and French Development Agency (AFD).  They represent TNC in public donor forums to increase visibility of and support for TNC’s Caribbean mission and programs.


  • Supervises administrative and/or professional staff with responsibility for performance management, training and development. 
  • Financial responsibility may include working within/managing a budget to complete projects, negotiating and contracting with vendors, assisting with Caribbean Division  budget development and meeting fundraising needs.
  • Responsible for meeting departmental strategic goals and objectives.
  • Communicates professionally with a wide variety of people from different cultures.
  • Prepares and presents project proposals and negotiates with national, bilateral and multilateral agencies and/or the business and corporate sector, to achieve program goals.  
  • Accountable to persuasively convey the mission of The Nature Conservancy to diverse groups including key legislators, government officials and others who are critical to the Conservancy’s overall public funding strategies.
  • Builds and maintains relationships and works in partnership with other organizations in a collaborative and consultative or advisory capacity.
  • Ensures program compliance with internal policies and external requirements.
  • Ensures that the program complies with federal lobbying laws and regulations.
  • Develops and collaboratively implements multi-year public fundraising strategies, and goals. 
  • Effectively directs and or participates in complex negotiations.
  • Develops constructive and effective working relationships inside and outside the Conservancy.  
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Caribbean
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: June 27, 2021
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=49827&PostingSeq=1