

Head of Communications and Advocacy

Head of Communications and Advocacy

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

As a key part of its Strategic Internet 2020-30, Wetlands International wants to raise its global visibility and influence to a new level through strategic communications and advocacy, led by an inspiring and experienced head of department. The Head of Communications and Advocacy is responsible for the strategic direction and operational implementation of our communications and advocacy efforts across the world to help deliver impact through our main programmes and projects, in cooperation with our network offices across 4 continents.

As a member of the Programme Leadership Team and Network Management Team, s/he takes collective responsibility for the organisation’s advocacy and communications strategy, its further development and the impact achieved. The Head of Communications and Advocacy works closely with and advises the CEO, manages a small staff team in the Global Office, and facilitates collaboration among a team of communications based in network offices.

Responsibilities and tasks

  • Lead the development and implementation of a clear global communications and advocacy strategy, to engage our stakeholders, enhance our visibility and influence and leverage greater resources for our work, whilst safeguarding Wetlands International’s brand and reputation.
  • Manage the Global Office team of communications and advocacy staff, ensuring team members are inspired, motivated, engaged productively in priority programmes and projects, and providing high quality results/products.
  • Provide overall vision and leadership across the wider Network team of communications professionals, nurturing collaboration for synergy and increased impact.
  • Work collaboratively with programme/project developers and fundraisers to enable sufficient resourcing and further enhancement of communications and advocacy capacities through and for our leading programmes and initiatives.
  • Be partner of the global Management Team and member of the Network Management Team, providing advice and contributing to strategic decisions.
  • Engage with communications professionals of strategic partners for visibility within joint programmes and partnerships and to enhance communications impact through collaboration, towards our joint objectives.
  • Work closely with the Resource Development Manager and team to ensure a high standard of communications with our members, supporters, donors and in fundraising generally.
  • Lead the development of media assets and communications materials that support the strategy, ensuring we maximise the potential of new technology and social media.
  • Grow our relationship with key journalists, proactively seeking opportunities for interviews and articles.

Working relations

INSIDE Wetlands International:
Management Team, Heads of Offices in the Network, Programme Heads, project managers, colleagues in the advocacy and communications team, other staff in the Global Office and across the Network.

OUTSIDE Wetlands International:
Partner organisations, members, supporters and other stakeholders. Creative designers, copywriters and web designers; journalists and other media contacts; partner-NGO’s, governmental and corporate policy makers.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: TBD
Organization: Wetlands International
Deadline: May 9, 2021
External website link: https://www.wetlands.org/head-of-communications-and-advocacy/