

Global Protect Web Developer (Location flexible)

Global Protect Web Developer (Location flexible)

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Global Protect Web Developer provides leadership and technical support regarding the design, development, and management of TNC’s Protect Ocean, Lands, and Waters Global Strategy Business Unit (Global Protect) existing and planned web presence. This will include creating and maintaining a variety of websites, dashboards, mapping applications, and visualization tools focused on the goal to conserve 4 billion hectares of Earth’s oceans, 650 million hectares of land, 30 million hectares of lakes and wetlands, and 1 million kilometers of river systems. With this position, the Global Protects Program hopes to create a mix of innovative and dynamic websites and applications to assist in not only reaching our goals but also help guide every country in protecting 30% of their marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments by 2030.

More specifically this position will focus on facilitating web technology integration in support of the 30×30 Initiative within Global Protect. Driven by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity’s ambitious goals to address the biodiversity crisis – the “30×30 initiative” seeks to guide protection of 30 percent of the world’s terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats by 2030.  TNC Global Protect is also part of the Enduring Earth collaboration that works alongside nations as they seek to meet their protection goals. Central to this collaboration is the Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) approach that fully funds conservation projects to ensure durable and scalable impact. While working with the 30×30 Initiative, this position will also become an integral team member in all efforts to achieve this 30% target and amplify conservation for a more sustainable, prosperous future for people and the planet
This is a two-year grant funded position with an opportunity to extend pending secure funding. The location for this position is flexible within countries where The Nature Conservancy is a registered NGO and has an already established office. This position is not eligible for relocation or immigration assistance.


The ideal candidate has experience with all aspects of designing, creating, and managing websites and web applications with a focus on global to local conservation matters. This includes such tasks as:  producing and presenting wireframes to communicate potential web ideas, creating and managing content management systems (CMS) for internal and external websites, working with and educating a variety of content providers in using the CMS, applying HTML and CSS techniques to produce elegant and creative web pages, customizing interactive web applications and visualization tools to create innovative ways to inform decision makers on conservation matters, providing use statistics and analytics to better understand the use and effectiveness of web tools, and maintaining all web solution to insure users have updated and timely information without disruption. Besides meeting these responsibilities, this person needs to have exceptional communication and collaboration skills and have experience organizing and coordinating complex web projects.


  • Bachelor’s degree in information systems or a related field and 2 years’ progressive experience in an IT field or equivalent combination.
  • Experience in web design and development.
  • Experience using image and video editing software.
  • Experience with web application programming.
  • Experience managing content management systems such as SquareSpace, WordPress, and WIX.


Type: Job opportunity
Location: All International
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: December 23, 2022
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=52552&PostingSeq=1