

Geospatial Data Administrator

Geospatial Data Administrator

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Geospatial Data Administrator is responsible for supporting data management efforts on TNC’s Conservation GeoCloud (a centralized, AWS and Esri ArcGIS Online platform) as well as in distinct geospatial conservation science projects across TNC. Working at various scales, this position works to support local to enterprise-level data management efforts, designing and deploying guidelines and best practices, and ensuring data can be compiled across regions in support of TNC’s organizational priorities. Different data formats will be supported by the Data Administrator, including but not limited to Esri’s enterprise geodatabase. This position will also build and support authoritative conservation data including but not limited to TNC lands, ecoregions and other formal conservation planning boundaries, and those deemed widely distributable by TNC’s Global Science and other departments. In addition, this position will collaborate with Data Services in IT to ensure geospatial information follows appropriate data governance structures in addition to adequate documentation (i.e., metadata) before distribution. Taking part in collaborative data management activities such as implementing a QA/QC process, analytical iteration on a specific dataset, and compiling critical conservation data across geographies will be important activities of this position. These activities will contribute to conservation strategies and goal setting approaches where geospatial information and reporting play an important role. The Data Administrator position joins Geospatial Systems in IT in designing, launching, and maintaining data associated with geospatial applications, different spatial data formats and platforms as well as the publishing and organizing web services.


  • Serves a lead support role in spatial data management of the Conservation GeoCloud
  • Supports various business units across TNC around data sharing, data access and web service publishing
  • Assesses the value of different data management tools for cleaning, organizing, and storing spatial information
  • Works with GIS data managers to ensure proper data organization, management and storage practices are followed on the Conservation GeoCloud
  • Works with Legal, Data Services, and Privacy departments to ensure geospatial information meets internal TNC data and governance requirements
  • Develops guidance and best practices documentation in geospatial data management
  • Works with Science Communications and Marketing teams to align a TNC-wide standardized tagging system for geospatial conservation data
  • Contributes to the integration of geospatial data to TNC’s Shared Conservation Hub, the organization’s conservation project management accounting system
  • Identifies key data across business units in support of our 2030 organizational priorities
  • Searches and identifies existing ArcGIS Online items (web apps, maps, hosted services) to feature them on TNC’s Geospatial Conservation Atlas and/or on Esri’s Living Atlas
  • Compiles, publishes and stores select conservation data as hosted feature layers from ArcGIS projects in AWS and ArcGIS Online
  • Supports the ongoing maintenance of the TNC lands dataset in ArcGIS Online in collaboration with the North America Science business unit
  • Contributes to TNC’s Measures, Learning and Evaluation program for geospatial reporting
  • Where applicable, collaborates with partner conservation organizations to develop data sharing and integration to facilitate common data management goals
Type: Job opportunity
Location: All United States
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: February 13, 2022
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=50972&PostingSeq=1