



Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Director(orCoDirectors) has an exciting mandate to guide Castanea Fellowship.The D/CD will have the strategic acumen to think boldly and broadly about the vision of the Fellowship, theoperational skills to execute the program with excellence, and the relationship skills to develop trust and support collaboration with Fellows and stakeholders

The D/CD will:
1. Embrace, embody, and advance the mission of Castanea Fellowship

  • Lead and manage with an anti-racist, intersectional approach.
  • Be the public face and voice of Castanea and continue to build its national profile.
  • Engage others to invest in leaders who envision a world where our food is a source of health, equity, and well-being for all, and are working to bring that vision to life.
  • Lead with an understanding of historically rooted racism and the benefits of multisector and multi-racial work.

2. Establish and execute programs responsive to current environment and leadership needs

  • Building upon a strong framework, design and deliver the next iteration of the program, including facilitating an inclusive recruitment and application process, that provides a rich and rewarding experience for current and future Fellows, including for example in-person learning immersions, coaching, facilitation, holding space, and holistic skills building opportunities.
  • Engage Fellows and stakeholders to collaborate on future programming of the Fellowship.
  • Continue to provide Fellows the time, space, and resources to connect and innovate on long-term solutions that foster vibrant communities and a racially just food system.
  • Lead staff and consultants to ensure program planning and execution is managed and delivered in a responsive and timely manner

3. Deliver operational excellence and strong fiscal management.

  • Foster strong management processes including setting objectives and priorities, ensuring budgetary oversight and alignment of income and expenditures.
  • Interface regularly with our fiscal sponsor Earth Island Institute and in quarterly meetings with the Steering Committee to ensure transparent communication regarding the ongoing fiscal status.
  • Assess current staffing and consultant model and adjust and augment as needed

4. Raise funds and steward resources.

  • Share the compelling story of the Castanea Fellowship with funders.
  • Ensure a tight fundraising process is developed and executed, including building relationships with current and new donors, managing funding proposals for individual donors and foundation partners, and developing updates to funders and the broader community
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Anywhere in the US
Organization: Castanea Fellowship
Deadline: April 11, 2021
External website link: https://boardwalkconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Castanea-Fellowship-Leadership-Profile-Final_3-3.pdf