

Director of the SwedBio Programme

Director of the SwedBio Programme

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The successful candidate for this role will be responsible for:

  • providing strategic and inspiring leadership of the SwedBio team (including hiring and management of staff),
  • developing matters that are of strategic importance to SRC together with others in the SRC leadership,
  • leading the preparation of funding proposals, annual work plans and reports to Sida and other donor or partner organisations,
  • signing agreements with collaborative partners in developing countries,
  • contributing to and/or supporting the SwedBio team in organising and engaging in multi-actor dialogues and collaborative projects at different scales with partners in developing countries, linked to international policy processes such as the CBD, IPBES, UNFCCC and the 2030 Agenda,
  • overseeing SwedBio’s external communications and outreach, e.g., website, social media, newsletter and publications.
Type: Job opportunity
Location: Stockholm University
Organization: SwedBio
Deadline: August 31, 2018
External website link: https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/jobs?rmpage=job&rmjob=6343&rmlang=UK