

Director of Finance and Operations (Location Flexible within LAR Countries)

Director of Finance and Operations (Location Flexible within LAR Countries)

Type of offer:
Job opportunity

The Director of Finance and Operations for the Regional Office in Latin America will provide overall direction and leadership for all operations functions within the Latin America Regional Office, a business unit of 60 or more staff or an operating budget of more than $10 million. The Director will be responsible for Finance, Human Resources, Facilities, Information Systems, Office Management and/or Safety.

This position should be based in Latin American countries where TNC has an office and can hire staff.


The Director of Finance and Operations (DFO) for the Regional Office in Latin America will work towards meeting the strategic priorities of the business unit (BU) by developing and managing finance and operations plans and strategies. They will be responsible for directing central administrative functions such as facility management, telecommunications, mailroom operations, central filing, telephone/public reception, maintaining office supplies and equipment, and processing purchasing requests.  They will be responsible for board and BU-director engagement in the financial management and financial sustainability of the BU, including the presentation of financial information at BU senior management and Board of Trustee meetings. They will also manage complex and administrative tasks related to Human Resources, Information Systems and Finance, including processing forms, preparing financial reports and forecasts, and monitoring and preparing budgets.

They will be responsible for ensuring that programmatic work is a collaborative and well-integrated effort across the BU. They will work with the Development team in preparing proposals. They will manage vendor relationships as needed. They will reinforce consistency in the organization’s policies and procedures and provide direction related to operations. They will work with teams to establish and track measures that are indicators of progress and success. The Director will provide advice and guidance, and oversee training programs related to finance and operations. They will lead diverse activities, develop complex processes, project outcomes, and initiate solutions in order to improve effectiveness. They will serve as team leader for the enhancement of systems and tools used by the team. The DFO will leverage constructive and effective relationships with a wide range of people, including senior management, public and private sector colleagues, and partners including financial/legal advisors and others.

Type: Job opportunity
Location: Latin America
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Deadline: December 12, 2022
External website link: https://careers.nature.org/psp/tnccareers/APPLICANT/APPL/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=52502&PostingSeq=1