

Design of a LDN Transformative Project/Programme in Caribbean SIDS

Design of a LDN Transformative Project/Programme in Caribbean SIDS

Type of offer:

The Global Mechanism is an institution of the UNCCD, mandated to assist countries in the mobilization of financial resources from the public and private sector for activities that prevent, control or reverse desertification, land degradation and drought. As the operational arm of the convention, the Global Mechanism supports countries to translate the Convention into action. In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, including goal 15, which aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. As the main expected result, it defines under target 15.3 to “combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world” by 2030. In September 2017, the 13th session of the Conference of Parties (COP) of the UNCCD emphasized the critical role of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Transformative Projects and Programmes for the implementation of the Convention. This has been reaffirmed at the 14th session of the COP in New Delhi in September 2019. Following the establishment of voluntary LDN targets, several Caribbean countries are now in the process to plan for LDN implementation, including through the design of LDN Transformative Projects and Programmes. Building upon relevant preparatory work undertaken in 2018, the Global Mechanism is committed to provide support to Caribbean SIDS for designing a LDN transformative project/programme concept note through the provision of an international consultant. The Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) was formulated as a part of the Technical Programme of the Caribbean SIDS Programme – an initiative that was adopted at the 14th Session of the Forum of Ministers of the Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Panama in November, 2003. This initiative was then endorsed in 2008 by the CARICOM/COTED on the Environment to provide a framework for assisting Country Parties for the implementation of the UNCCD, and for addressing the land management component of the Barbados Program of Action (BPOA) and the Mauritius Strategy (MSI) in Caribbean SIDS. Further to this, decision 05/PHLM.3 of the 3rd PISLM High Level Meeting requested, inter alia, that the UNCCD Focal Points and the National Green Climate Fund Designated Authority (NDA) collaborate with the PISLM Support Office and the Accredited Entity to develop a project proposal for submission to GCF Secretariat. In this context, the UNCCD is currently in the process of concluding a renewed Memorandum of Understanding with CARICOM to strengthen their collaboration in support of advancing UNCCD implementation in the Caribbean subregion, including a Joint Framework of Action for which PISLM is expected to be designated as the implementation arm of CARICOM.

Type: Consultancy
Location: Homebased, Caribbean
Organization: UNCCD
Deadline: January 15, 2021
External website link: https://www.unccd.int/sites/default/files/vacancies/2020-12/62%20TOR%20-%20LDN%20TPP%20Caribbean%20SIDS.pdf